Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Global Forces and the European Brewing Industry
Penthouse Heinlein seeks to expose not Just its own brand, but the local brands swell, it may be a daunting task because there is a lack of much innovation, especially that it is family controlled with no allowance for outside and new governance. But the brand itself is strong, so it will maintain and/or grow its position. Grossly It is a medium-sized company that has set a niche with products that are new and innovative, and their packaging is striking and different, but they may find it difficult to maintain this position in the market because of the trial and error expense they have created for themselves. N.B. Has the benefit of being the biggest brewer in most countries and continents, so it can afford to test new markets. But with the competitive environment it dwells in, the expense may go well beyond what they can manage, if they fail to market and run their product, brand cooperation. It will be difficult to achieve that because of its size. Scottish & Newcastle Has invested most of its power in an eventual dying market, Europe. The decreasing beer consumption will negate its resources unless it expands it reach overseas to expose its brands.Luckily it is successful and with the European focus it has well attained, it has stability in its position in the market. There also need for them to diversify, instead of having beer on the market. QUESTION 2 (it) Strengths Strong overseas strategy to use locally acquired companies to introduce Heinlein to new markets. The transfer of expertise and technology to local, companies which help economies of scale for both Heinlein and local beers. It is family controlled to help stability and independence for international growth.Weaknesses Its biggest brands are Heinlein and Master. For a big company, it does not diversify very much. It needs to create more brands to help maximize profits in different areas. It is family controlled, which means there is no allowance for ‘new blood' and innovation. Grossly The c ompany is innovative and it has a strong brand, which people rely on, e. G. Its flavored beers and striking green bottles. It has new drinks on the markets and works on new ideas plus, has a trial brewery for testing the market. It Exports many of its drinks which allow more customers.Weaknesses innovation for drinks and cost of production. The new brewery will potentially cost it with failures and trial drinks. Ellen Is a very big company and the merger allowed new ideas and more brands on the market. Wants to transform itself from biggest to best brewer, which means it values consistency and growth. Wants to coordinate all functions internationally. Weaknesses Too many acquisitions mean the cost maintenance is high. The ability to work as one unit for a big company is a difficult task to accomplish.Consistency and synergy may be difficult across continents and countries. Scottish & Newcastle Focusing on Europe as a strategy helps them analyses effectively how to strategies and, he lps unite all acquisitions and run them as one unit. The investments in Baltic Beverages helped them expose their brand to many countries. Closing down inefficient breweries cut down unnecessary costs. Weaknesses Simply focusing on one continent will not expose the products to new markets. Heavily investing in one sector, like the Baltic beverages, has potential consequence for failure cost.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Hyundai Mission Statement and Goals Essay
I have chosen the Hyundai Company to work with during this course. When I was reviewing their mission statement I saw that they really commit themselves to a lot of accomplishments. Their mission statement is as follows: At Hyundai, we commit ourselves to the accomplishment of the following goals: * To give equal consideration and opportunity to all individuals seeking a partnership with us in securing a Hyundai dealership. We will continue to strive to become the premier franchise with the broadest minority representation possible. To provide equal opportunity to all suppliers and vendors seeking to do business with our company. Our selection of business partners will always be predicated upon our duty to provide our customers with safe, quality and affordable automobiles. * To continue to be committed to the philanthropic sharing of our profits to promote community development and improvement (focusing on the education and health of young people), protect our environment, and implement programs to improve understanding and respect within our society. To expand our brand image by committing funds and effort to communicate a clear and accurate portrayal of our products, services and company values to all of our customers, regardless of their demographic status. * To hire and retain an executive management and employee staff based on equal participation and opportunity for all, regardless of race, gender, age, national origin, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic. To solicit the advice and wise counsel of nationally recognized persons of achievement and character to assist us in fulfilling our goals. Hyundai mission statement acts as more than just a lot of words on a piece of paper. The mission statement is a vital tool that helps to keep everyone at Hyundai on the same page working towards the same goal. This mission statement also identifies Hyundai and how they are going to be able to meet the goals of their clientele. Hyundai mission statement was designed and inspired to assist with the internal efficiencies like commitment from the staff and loyalty by customers and vendors. The mission statement can be used to help redirect the company when and if needed once you ask yourself a few questions. 1. Where are we today? 2. Where do we wish to arrive, and when? 3. How do we get from here to there? Once these questions are answered they should go back to the mission statement and review what their goals were from the beginning and begin to set new goals to help get the company back on track. This will help them to begin to create some strategic planning. This will also help them find the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external opportunities and threats. If the mission statement does not assist with the goals and strategy planning they may need to revamp the mission statement to include the internal and external dimensions. Times change and with that being said sometimes what use to work may not work at this time so making changes may need to take place.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay Example for Free
Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay According to Eunson (2006, p.15) there are four main criteria to be considered when choosing the medium/s of communication to best articulate an argument: Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation. Select one of the criteria and discuss its importance to a communication situation. Any successful communication process requires the presence of a message, appropriate medium  and the desired message’s effect on the receiver.   To effect success in communication, it is important to use a suitable medium based on the Preferences criterion. Modern technologies have greatly facilitated human communication. However, as Priestley’s Paradox illustrates, people get to actually communicate less as communication technologies further advance (Eunson 2006, p.4). Hence, for effective communication, it is more important to consider the message and the effect of that message on the receiver (Eunson 2006, p.7). The successful transfer of message and its effect, however, largely depends on the communication mode used or â€Å"preferred†. The medium is crucial to the effect of a message because as emphasized by Marshall McLuhan (Lister 2003), â€Å"societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media†. In other words, the medium is the message. A case in point would be a Human Resource Department in an office where the HR Manager normally ‘prefers’ communicating with his staff through memos and e-mail notifications. But being a smart manager, he or she will not hesitate to utilize other media as needed, according to the importance of the message and the desired effect to the recipients. He or she may ‘prefer’ to personally discuss an individual’s unsatisfactory ‘Performance Assessment Report’, earlier sent as is via individual e-mail, through  one-on-one review. The richness of media (Daft & Lengel 1986, p.557) effected by direct face-to-face discussion is ‘preferred’ to the e-mail channel, which in this case plays a secondary role as preparatory medium of documentation. Herein, interpersonal communication appropriate to a small group (Baker, Barrett & Roberts 2002, p.11), is considered and selected to amplify the Report’s â€Å"warning†content with the goal of effecting the desired change in the staffer’s behaviour. Exploring â€Å"Preferences†in choosing media is vital to effectively convey the message. Since the medium, which helps shape the content, is mostly the message itself and that the message’s effect on the receiver is affected by the medium, selecting the suitable channel from a range of Preferences becomes crucial to any effective communication. Baker, E. Barrett, M. & Roberts, L 2002, Working Communication , John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Daft, R. L. and Lengel, R. H. 1986 â€Å"Organizational Information Requirements, Media Richness and Structural Design,†Management Sci. , Vol. 32, No.5, pp. 554–571. Eunson, B . 2006, Communicating in the 21 st Century , John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Lister, M 2003, New Media: A Critical Introduction , Routledge, London. Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation. (2017, Mar 01).
Disclosure in Financial reports in Industrial Companies in Libya Research Proposal
Disclosure in Financial reports in Industrial Companies in Libya - Research Proposal Example Additionally, Libya has been the focus of much international scrutiny following the high-publicized released of convicted Lockerbie mastermind Abdel Baset al-Megrahi from a Scottish prison early last month and the eyes of the world are once again on Libya, a former pariah state according to many leaders of the Western world but today a partner in economic development and prosperity. Thus, accusations that Mr. al-Megrahi was released by Scottish authorities to facilitate economic relations between Great Britain and Libya emphatically demonstrate the important economic ties between Libya and the rest of the modern, developed world. Seeking to understand economic development and the increased necessity of the disclosure of industrial financial reports in the Libyan context, this research proposal aims to provide a thorough and comprehensive introduction to a new Libyan phenomenon. As Libya opens up its markets to the forces of liberal economics and seeks to compete with Western actors o n the economic stage, the issues of openness and transparency will increase. How salient are issues surrounding the disclosure of industrial financial reports in the Libya today? Is Libya prepared for increased transparency in the realm of financial reporting? Are industrial companies in Libya equipped to fully disclose their personal financial records? Is full disclosure relevant in the Libyan context? (Cowell and Sulzberger, 2009; Otman & Karlberg, 2007) These questions and many more will be elaborated upon further in this analysis. This will be followed by a description of our methodology and questions surrounding measurement and the coding of variables. Seeking to employ a multifaceted qualitative/quantitative analysis, this project aims to utilize both forms of analysis. We will conclude with a concise overview of this important project proposal
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Hiring for Success Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hiring for Success - Research Paper Example Such managers end up choosing the wrong individuals for the jobs. To avoid such problems, the managers should be aware of the consequences of being overconfident during the decision making process. Additionally, they should judge individuals based on their abilities and not their perceptions (Draft & Marcic, 2006). According to Draft & Marcic (2006), some managers also make wrong choices during the hiring process because they â€Å"see what they want to see†(Draft & Marcic, 2006). Such managers already know what is right according to them, and when interviewing people, they look for what support their instincts in the interviewees (Klayman, Larrick & Health, 2000). This form of bias affects evaluation of information because managers focus on what they know than what they do not know. To avoid this, managers have to be honest about their motives meaning that they should study the evidence equally (Draft & Marcic, 2006). The hiring procedure can also be affected by the past impression. This is because most people focus on the initial information they get when making decisions. The first impressions affect the managers’ subsequent judgments (Klayman, Larrick & Health, 2000). For instance, in most interviews, managers judge the interviewees by their first impression. If they mess during the initial process, this makes them fail the interviews even if they do perfectly in the remaining parts of the interviews. To avoid this, managers should cease relying on the past information to avoid wrong predictions and misguided decisions (Draft & Marcic,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Controversy over gay & lesbian couples raising children as opposed to Research Paper
Controversy over gay & lesbian couples raising children as opposed to straight couples - Research Paper Example Even in United States, some states do not allow same sex partners to adopt children. This is also the case in some of the European countries except for England, in which adoption by gay and lesbian couples have been legalized in order to provide parents to homeless children. Around the world, countries vary in the level of rights they provide to gay and lesbian couples in terms of adoption (Simon & Brooks 2009). There are two sides to this argument of whether same sex partners can be good parents or not. Some individuals believe that if gays and lesbians adopt children, they then will be preventing heterosexuals from adopting; however, many gays and lesbians adopt children from foster care or other countries as it is difficult to find families for these children (Adamec & pierce 2000). The analysis of how fine the kids grow with gay couples or straight couples is still incomplete and the conservatives think that these adoptions should not be legalized until it is proved that same sex parenting is completely safe. Other side of the argument says that the sexual orientation of the parents have no connection with the upbringing of the children. They say that the child’s social, emotional and behavioral patterns are not affected by this issue. Gay rights groups in many states fought for the right of gay adoption, which gradually began to change the climate on this issue (Kranz & Cusick 2 000). It is considered by liberals that both women and men have the same capability to be good parents. The children of same sex partners do not show different behavior if compared to children raised by straight parents. With the gradual change in the society, the concept of perfect straight couple marriage is gradually fading. There are other alternatives which are now acceptable as a perfect marriage model. Many countries are gradually accepting this fact
Friday, July 26, 2019
The efficiency of Wind Turbines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The efficiency of Wind Turbines - Essay Example It turned into an obstacle on the way to prosperity for many states. Moreover, our environment is changed because of air pollution that leads to global warming. Thus, the problem needs an urgent solution. The solution should respond to all the needs connected with energy supply and environmental protection. Thus, it is essential to consider the types of energy, which are not harmful for our environment and renewable at the same time. This paper will discuss the wind power as a type of renewable and ecologically good energy. The main goal is to prove that wind power should be considered by the countries of the world as an alternative. The advantages of wind turbines Speaking about wind power, it is essential to mention that it is considered to be the one of the most perspective type of energy. The power is generated by means of wind going though the turbine motor. Wind turbines do not need any fuel to produce energy, thus there are no emissions. Actually, it is currently used in many fields as it is ecologically good and inexhaustible. There are many reasons why it attracts so much attention. Before, people used windmills to work with water, but now people already consider wind to get energy. A great number of states plan to use wind turbines as they start to trust wind energy. Wind power helps decrease the use of exhaustible resources such as oil and coal. The kinds of wind turbines There are two kinds of modern turbines that produce wind energy. They have different design: horizontal axis and vertical axis, while horizontal axis design is more widespread as it is considered to be more suitable. Horizontal axis wind turbines are highly developed and financially feasible. Their sizes and shapes may vary, but they have one common feature: they look like their ancestors – windmills. Now horizontal axis wind turbines are widely applied in the world to produce clean electricity that does not pollute the air we breath. Horizontal axis wind turbines are very ef fective â€Å"today these machines are proven: they are used throughout the world producing clean, affordable, and sustainable electricity. Modern horizontal axis wind turbines produce electricity 70-85% of the time (whenever the wind is over 7-8 mph)†(Types of electricity generating wind turbines). In contrast to horizontal axis wind turbines, vertical axis wind turbines are not widely used, notwithstanding that they have some advantages. They are not so reliable and very often work poorly, thus they are not so successful at the market as horizontal turbines. Many experts state that they are simply not ready for exploitation. However, scientists do their best to improve the characteristics of vertical axis wind turbines. Moreover, new technology is being currently invented: â€Å"To ensure wind turbines that are big in size work in a better manner, a new kind of air-flow technology may soon be introduced. Apart from other aspects, it will focus on efficiency of blade s used in the wind turbines. The technology will help in increasing the efficiency of these turbines under various wind conditions†(Increasing the Efficiency of Wind Turbine Blades). Wind turbines are also different by their capacity, they can be smaller and bigger. Big ones can produce energy for the whole cities, while small are mostly used for households, where there are problems with the access to electricity. Contra argument Despite all the advantages, wind power appears to be very expensive, thus many countries do not consider such opportunity. However, the technology is being improved and the opportunities to reduce the expenses grow. Now many countries consider the possibility to replace the exhaustible energy that is harmful for our environment with wind energy. The expenses on this kind of power are high,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Pre-Course Reading and Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pre-Course Reading and Writing - Essay Example These ways are referred to as critical readings. From the new reading tactics, the reader is made to believe in reading for quality instead of quantity. Quality reading refers to a way of reading in which an individual can achieve the best and most important pieces of information from a set of text. It involves analyzing the author of a text, the publisher of a text, the topic of the text and the preview of the text. From the analysis, an individual can easily understand the quality of a text. Reading critically is the most competent feature one can have in terms on acquiring information. In the everyday life, we encounter reading sources which require critical reading in order to get the best out of them. Texts we encounter are significant to both ones professional and scholarly life. Less-Maffei (2012) argues that reading critically is the most important feature one should have in order to get by their daily lives. Ethics and technical communication Ethics is the center for the cre ation of effective communication. Ethics in any organization dictate that communication should be carried out in the most appropriate way. In any society or organization setting, ethics form the basis in which effective communication is created. In an ethical setting, communication is characterized by politeness, common language, openness and based on facts rather than assumptions. According to Less- Maffei (2012) it would be difficult to attain effective communication in both society and organizational settings without ethics. Communication requires ethics to shape the mode in which people relate to each other. To sensitize the issue on ethics in communication, organizations provide guidelines as to which staff and personnel are to communicate to fellow workmates and clients. These guidelines are based on ethical issues. For instance, there is a general assumption that using other languages in an organization setting is wrong and inappropriate. The creation of communication artifac ts has over the years based on the ethical issues in the field. Ethics have also played a vital function when it comes to the improvement of communique sources. Learning and information sources based on communication ethics maintains the clearness and appropriateness of the forms of information people acquire. Writing speaking or listening In an information profession, listening can provide the most success as compared to both writing and speaking. With listening, we are able to acquire a lot of information in which we apply to ones professional life. According to Less-Maffei (2012) listening forms the most integral part of an information profession since relating to people is usually their main goal. When creating a profession relationship listening is the key aim since there is so much to learn about customer expectations. Listening also enables one to gather information and create a research proposal on needs, wants and requirements of one’s profession. Personal expression In relating to the first essay, different individuals would have chosen different choices of discussion in terms of competency. In my case, I chose to read critically for the fact that I value reading as a source of all my information. From reading, I am able to acquire any information at the comfort of experts view. I have both scholarly and profession acquaintances that require a lot of reading. Since I have so much information to research on through reading, I use critical reading which makes the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Managing People Through Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing People Through Change - Essay Example However, employees cannot be expected to perform to the highest standard without competent management. Problems such as low employee morale, high turnover rates, and poor performance of job duties can result from inadequate people management. People management, which encompasses both formal performance evaluation and compensation strategies and informal leadership practices and techniques, is one of the determining factors in employee morale and the resulting work quality, as well as determining other factors such as workplace loyalty. While there are many approaches to leadership, from Goleman's basis of leadership in primal intelligence to Wren's group dynamics view (Goethals and Sorensen, 3), all hold in common that leadership is one of the most basic elements of successful people management. However, people management practices in isolation are not enough to ensure the success of the firm or even of the management practice - the ideals that are embodied by the people management practice must be embedded in the corporate culture in order for them to be successful. In essence, people management theory argues that if management implements a specified set of employment as well as work practices, it is going to lead to better performance (Boxall and Purcell 47-70). A lot of the practices such as teamwork, redesigned jobs, employee participation, teamwork as well as communication and information sharing - have been shown to improve performance, but not in a consistent manner (Appelbaum et al. 737-775). Although there are various stakeholders in an organization, the chief strategic goal of any business is higher financial performance or maximization of wealth for the shareholders (Becker and Huselid, 53-101). Financial performance of an organization depends to a large extent on effective operational performance. The operational performance of an organization is a function of people, process and technology. 2.0 Qualities of a Leader A leader influences others by his qualities, viz. confidence, communicative ability, awareness of his impact on others as well as perceptions about the situation and his subordinates. The effect of a leader's background experiences, his communication ability, self-awareness, confidence, his perceptions of subordinates, the situation and the self are shown below (Prasad, 2006, p. 264). SOCIAL VALUES ECONOMIC CONDITIONS LEADER STRUCTURE FOLLOWERS POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS [Source: Taken from, Prasad LM, (2006) Organizational Behavior, Fig 26.1 p 287] All these factors interact together to determine the leader's ability to influence others. 3.0 Leadership Styles in People Management A fundamental question that needs to be addressed
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Role of Strategic PR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Role of Strategic PR - Essay Example The first priority will be entrenching the image of Unilever UK as a healthy, eco-friendly, and happiness-inducing company. With this foundation should come smaller, internal and external campaigns to spread the firm declaration of these ideas to the Government, trendsetters within the community, investors, Unilever UK employees, and both traditional and social media outlets. Each situation has unique challenges and potential rewards, and thus must have tailored campaigns. In addition, Unilever UK will push into the young boy and girl deodorant market with the introduction of Dove Boy and Dove Girl. This will utilize some of the strategies of Unilever UK as a whole, with the addition of some specific marketing moves. The first step is to analyze the position and necessary response for Unilever UK to achieve its goals in 2011. A combination of anti-corporatism and fiscal restraint by individuals and the government alike has resulted in a new set of problems for Unilever UK. The UK had a .5% decrease in the fourth quarter of 2010, and expected GDP for 2011 was recently reduced to 1.5% (Archer, 2011). Because of this, consumers in the UK will spend less than before the global recession. Thus, marketing techniques and results must be upgraded if Unilever UK is to maintain or expand its current position. Positively, commensurate with the decline in the global economy came a decline in demand for advertisements, making advertising prices in the UK through traditional media fall significantly (Daily Mail Reporter, 2009). But pure economics will not make Unilever UK’s advertising plans successful- it will take a seasonal, trendy, and multi-genre campaign to ensure Unilever UK improves its sales and image as much as possible. Also, Unilever UK needs to maintain positive relations with the government of the UK, which has taken the middle ground on corporate relations, both prosecuting (Murphy, 2011) and permitting (Sweney, 2011) anti-competitive practices. Good re lations with the media, influential individuals, investors, employees and the traditional media will depend on a personal relationship with each, coupled with the enforcement of the companies values across the spectrum of society. Next, it is necessary to determine the aim of Unilever UK for this year. 2011 needs to be a year of enforcing the values of Unilever UK. That is: always working with integrity, positive impact, continuous commitment, setting out our aspirations, and working with others (Unilever). To promote all of these values, Unilever UK should utilize a widespread campaign to garner public support. This should include traditional and nontraditional media. Also, Unilever UK should ensure the support of the government, influential individuals, investors, employees, and the media. Some specific objectives of the campaign should be increasing the positive public opinion of Unilever UK, to be determined through non-invasive surveys and scouring opinions on the Internet. If an instance of a negative public image of Unilever UK comes about, Unilever UK should respond with a reasonable out showing of goodwill, addressing the problem directly, on as personal a level as possible, and positively. Another of Unilever UK’s objectives for 2011 should be to establish a personal relationship and dialogue with as many players in the UK marketplace as possible. This means Unilever UK must establish itself as an available resource on social media, as well as
Position of women in 16 and 17 century Essay Example for Free
Position of women in 16 and 17 century Essay Women were challenged with expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused to grant merit to womens views. Cultural and political events during these centuries increased attention to womens issues such as education reform. Though modern feminism was non-existent. The social structure women limited opportunities for involvement; they served largely as managers of their households. Women were expected to focus on practical domestic pursuits and activities that encouraged the betterment of their families, and more particularly, their husbands. Education for women was not supportedâ€â€harmful to the traditional female virtues of innocence and morality. Women who spoke out against the patriarchal system of gender roles, or any injustice, ran the risk of being exiled from their communities, or worse; vocal unmarried women in particular were the targets of witch-hunts. The seventeenth century women continued to play a significant, though not acknowledged, role in economic and political structures through their primarily domestic activities.They often acted as counselors in the home, tempering their husbands words and actions. Women were discouraged from directly expressing political views counter to their husbands or to broadly condemn established systems; nevertheless, many women were able to make public their private views through the veil of personal, religious writings. Marriage: The seventeenth century represents a fascinating period of English history, drawing the attention of whole generations of historians. This turbulent age saw three major events that had a deep impact on England’ s political as well as social lifeâ€â€the English Revolution, the Restoration of the Stuarts in 1660 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688. Amidst the turmoil of the events, people’s everyday lives unfolded. While it was men’s preoccupation to keep the country’s political and economic affairs going, women had an indispensable, though far less public, part to play. This paper aims at providing an outline of the seventeenth-century English marriage, viewed from the woman’s perspective. It touches upon topics such as concluding marriages, basic marriage values, duties of a married woman and possibilities of divorce. Attention is paid to the areas in which the seventeenth-century reality was different from today’s. In seventeenth-century England, marriage and sexual morals played a far more important social role than nowadays. A family centred around a married couple represented the basic social, economic and political unit. In the Stuart period, a husband’s â€Å"rule†over his wife, children and servants was seen as an analogy to the king’s reign over his peopleâ€â€a manifestation of a hierarchy constituted by God. A woman was regarded as the ‘weaker vessel’ (a phrase taken from the New Testament)â€â€a creature physically, intellectually, morally and even spiritually inferior to a man; therefore, the man had a right to dominate her (Fraser 1981: 1). In a society strongly influenced by Puritan values, sexual integrity and the status of a married person gave a woman respectability and social prestige. This, together with the fact that it was very difficult for women to find ways of making an independent living, meant that securing a husband was a matter of great importance. Theoretically, it was possible for two people to marry very young. The minimum legal age was 12 years for women and 14 years for men. In addition, it was possible for the couple to get engaged at the age of 7, with the right to break off the engagement on reaching the minimum age of consent (Stone 1965: 652). However, early marriages were rather rareâ€â€the average age of the newlyweds was about 25 years. Interestingly, the basic requirement for a legally valid marriage was not a formal consecration in a church, but the completion of a marriage contract, commonly called ‘spousals’. Spousals were an act in which the bride and groom said their vows in the present tenseâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœper verba de prasenti’ (Ingram 1987: 126). In a majority of cases, this procedure was accompanied by a church ceremony (banns). Yet if the marriage was concluded without witnesses and not consecrated in a church, it had the same legal validity. This practice had existed in England since the twelfth century and lasted till 1753. Not having to go through a church ceremony made it possible for lovers to marry secretly, without the knowledge of their parents. In this way, they could escape the dynastic scheming of their families.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Case Study on Adolescent Sexual Abuse Essay Example for Free
Case Study on Adolescent Sexual Abuse Essay Elias is a five year old Mexican American male who has recently been referred to the community counseling center due to the exposure of sexual abuse by his stepfather. Elias was a client of this community center approximately 18 months earlier. Elias had been referred for poor impulse control and hyperactivity. At that time he was diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He also met with the agency psychiatrist who had prescribed Elias Focalin. His cased was closed after only a few sessions due to the family’s inconsistency and withdrawal from services. At this point in time Elias has been attending his sessions with his mother and baby brother. Stepfather’s whereabouts are unknown and he has not had any contact with the family since the abuse was exposed. Elias has returned to taking Focalin, since he failed to continue taking his medication after withdrawing from services. However, there have been no changes noted in his behavior since he has begun to take the medication. The psychiatrist believes that this may be due to the low dosage he has prescribed Elias and because of such, the psychiatrist has opted to slowly increase the dosage and closely monitor any changes. The clinician notes that Elias is extremely hyperactive and exhibits minimal impulse control. Other than his high levels of restlessness, Elias shows no observable signs or symptoms of reaction to the sexual abuse. When clinician has attempted to process with Elias about the abuse or his feelings about the abuse, Elias has changed the subject or ignored the clinician all together. Mother states that she has noticed no changes in his behavior since the abuse was discovered. Practice Effectiveness Questions The special population in discussion is children, the social problems in focus are sexual abuse and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which leads the target client group to be children who have experienced sexual abuse and have been diagnosed with ADHD. Our client is Elias who is a child, who has experienced sexual abuse and is diagnosed with ADHD. For the purposes of this discussion our practice effectiveness questions are: 1) What are effective interventions for children who have been sexually abused? and 2) What are effective interventions for children who have been diagnosed with ADHD? Search Description Procedures The databases utilized for this search were: Google Scholar, Social Work Abstracts, Child Welfare Information Gateway, Academic Search Complete, Professional Development Collection, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, SocINDEX with Full Text Sociological Collection, Academic Search Premier, and JSTOR. It was also helpful to review the journal entitled Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment for relevant articles. While searching the aforementioned databases, the following keywords were utilized: ‘sexual abuse and ADHD’, ‘sexual abuse and interventions’, sexual abuse and co-morbidity’, ‘ADHD and co-morbidity’, ‘children and sexual abuse’, ‘sexual abuse and interventions. ’ All articles selected were peer reviewed, found in scholarly journals, and published within the last ten years. In searching for relevant articles regarding treatment of sexual abuse, most articles addressed interventions designed to treat perpetrators of child sexual abuse; a few articles were uncovered that discussed treating adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Fewer still were articles that identified interventions for children who are recent or current victims of sexual abuse. In order to find information relevant to our target client group, we began pulling sources from reference pages of relevant articles which provided more focused research relevant to treatment of children who have experienced sexual abuse. Results The result of our exhaustive search of available literature led us to identify eight articles to focus on. Out of these articles, four dealt specifically with children who have experienced sexual abuse, two focused on abuse of children which included physical abuse along with sexual abuse, two were focused primarily on ADHD, four focused on co-morbidity of either post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or ADHD and sexual abuse, and four specifically discussed treatments and interventions. Half of the selected articles were literature reviews while the remaining four were reporting from the standpoint of a primary source on research studies of treatments and interventions. The research studies varied in their sampling and control or comparison groups; only two studies were able to utilize a true experimental design with random assignment of study participants to control and experimental groups. The literature reviews provided an extensive overview of relevant studies and interventions from a secondary source standpoint. The eight identified sources provided an assortment of research-based perspectives as well as a sampling of evidence based on authority by those who reviewed the literature and discussed their findings in literature reviews. Research Findings Description of Articles In the article Sexually Abused Children Suffering from PTSD: Assessment and Treatment Strategies by David Heyne, Neville J. King, Paul Mullen, Nicole Myerson, Thomas H. Ollendick, Stephanie Rollings, and Bruce T. Tonge states that sexual abuse of children is a major societal problem because of its high prevalence and devastating impact on the victimized child. Children who have been sexually abused often demonstrate anxiety, depressive moods, improper sexual behaviors, nightmares, social withdrawal, sleep difficulties, anger, shame/guilt and school problems. The authors did diagnostic interviewing with their participants. The authors interviewed thirty six children and sixty nine percent were primarily diagnosed with PTSD. Within the thirty six children four of the children with full PTSD had no other diagnoses. Nine had one co morbid diagnoses, ten had two co morbid diagnoses, and two had three co morbid diagnoses. PTSD is not always prevalent and at times other emotional and behavioral problems are prevalent. In fact, many studies confirm that on clinical evaluation a large proportion of sexually abused children meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD (Heyne, at el. , 2003). This particular article showed that often there are other diagnoses that go along with PTSD but in an article by Peggy T. Ackerman, Roscoe A. Dykman, Jerry G. Jones, W. Brian McPherson, and Joseph E. O. Newton, did research on groups that have been affected sexual, physically abused, or both. The article Prevalence of PTSD and Other Psychiatric Diagnosis in Three Groups of Abused Children (Sexual, Physical, and Both) was a study done with children that are sexually and or physically abused. Fortunately, many children who are victims of horrifying events do not develop PTSD or other psychiatric disorders (Ackerman at el. 1998). Very little is known as to why some victimized children do and others do not develop psychiatric disorders. Even such basic variables as gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, intelligence, and age at time of trauma, have been inadequately studied. They were in a large children’s hospital in which sexual and or physically abused children were referred. The groups were divided into three, sexually and physically abused and both. Through the finding there were more boys who were physically abused and girls who were sexually abused. Anxiety and behavior disorders were more frequent than mood disorders. In concordance with clinical observation, abused boys, regardless of type abuse, had higher rates of behavioral disorders and abused girls had higher rates of two internalizing disorders: separation anxiety (caregiver reports) and phobic disorder (child report) (Ackerman at el. , 1998). Studies show most clearly that children who have been jointly physically and sexually abused are at greatest risk for psychiatric disturbance. There are many different treatment interventions one can go through to minimize PTSD and attention deficient disorders. Maryka Biaggio, Darlene Staffelbach, Dan Weinstein wrote the article ADHD and PTSD: Differential Diagnosis in Childhood Sexual Abuse which shows different interventions used for victimized children. Treatment interventions for ADHD children predominantly consist of behavior management, social skills training, and stimulant or other medication. Treatment interventions for children with PTSD generally consist of management and alleviation of emotional distress using play, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy modalities (Biaggio at el. 2000). Relaxation techniques and hypnosis have also been effective in treatment of PTSD in children. Misdiagnosis may lead clinicians to use inappropriate interventions for PTSD. Side effects experienced by ADHD children on stimulant medication may include difficulty falling asleep, lack of appetite, irritability, headaches, stomachaches, nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, muscle tics or twitches, slowed physical growth, and skin rashes (Biaggio at el. , 2000). Another undesired onsequence of ADHD misdiagnosis in SAC (sexual abused children) is the failure to address and treat the trauma symptoms of children who actually have PTSD. Given the risk of wrongly prescribing, untreated trauma, and negative impact on self-esteem for children misdiagnosed with ADHD, it is unfortunate little attention has been given to this issue (Biaggio at el. , 2000). Increased attention to clinical decision-making in the differential diagnosis of ADHD and PTSD may lead to more appropriate, beneficial, and timely interventions. Darcie) Allison M. Briscoe-Smith and Stephen P. Henshaw’s article entitled: Linkages between child abuse and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in girls: Behavioral and social correlates, was an excellent source to explore the relationship of sexual abuse and ADHD and begin to discuss the co-morbidity of these events for children. The article described a research study carried out with a sample of 228 females at a summer camp for girls with ADHD over a three year span. Each year cohort groups were created to identify the prevalence of abuse among girls diagnosed with ADHD and those who had not received a diagnosis of ADHD. Out of the twenty-four identified cases of abuse histories, twenty of these girls were diagnosed with ADHD, and of those abuse histories ten were sexual in nature which is much higher than any other form of maltreatment documented by the researchers. All girls who had abuse histories had a co-morbid diagnosis of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. The study found that girls with both ADHD and abuse histories were more likely to display externalizing behaviors and be negatively received by their peers. The study also analyzed the relationship between the prevalence of an abuse history and the rejection from peers and found aggression to partially mediate that relationship. The authors concluded that girls with ADHD were at increased risk of having abuse histories and questioned the accurate diagnosis of ADHD. It was suggested that the girls who had histories of abuse may more accurately be diagnosed with PTSD and/or share a co-morbid diagnosis with PTSD. Judith A. Cohen and Anthony P. Mannarino conducted a research study comparing two interventions to treat children who have been sexually abused; their findings were published in the article entitled: Interventions for Sexually Abused Children: Initial Treatment Outcome Findings. This article was one of few that specifically addressed interventions for children with the focus being treatment of sexual abuse. The sample consisted of 49 children between the ages of 7 and 14 who were randomly assigned to either sexual abuse specific cognitive behavioral therapy (SAS-CBT) or nondirective supportive therapy (NST) for a twelve week duration. The study found that children in the SAS-CBT group improved significantly in social competence and in the reduction of feelings of depression. Also, substantially higher percentages of children involved in SAS-CBT experienced what is considered clinically significant improvements. In regards to deterioration while in therapy, higher rates were found in children who received NST. For the safety of the other children in the groups, children who were consistently displaying repetitive extreme sexually inappropriate behaviors were removed from treatment groups; seven NST participants were removed from the study as compared to two children participating in SAS-CBT. Parental satisfaction with treatment was high in both treatment groups which either treatment modality. The clinical impressions of the authors conclude that sexual abuse specific cognitive behavioral therapy is superior to nondirective supportive therapy in the reduction of depressive symptoms. SAS-CBT was also favored due to the benefit of including parents in treatment (NST did not formally include parents). The authors also concluded that there is value and importance in providing a directive therapy technique in dealing with the effects of trauma caused by sexual abuse. Assessment of Evidence Implications of Evidence Interventions for sexual abused victim’s trauma may include based cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy, parental involvement- parent training, behavioral therapy, coping skills training, psycho-education, and prevention awareness. PTSD interventions may include trauma based cognitive behavioral therapy, and play therapy. Attention deficit disorder can also be treated with behavioral management techniques, medication, social skills training, play therapy, parent training, behavioral classroom interventions and summer treatment programs. Many sexually abused children have other diagnosis along with PTSD and several possible co-morbid diagnosis are more than likely behavioral, but often can be confused with PTSD. When looking at interventions and treatments clinicians need to look at the client’s cultural background so that way we do not intrude on their lives.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Pure Culture Methods and Gram Staining
Pure Culture Methods and Gram Staining Individual and well separated colonies are crucial when working with bacterial cultures. Pure culture method involves the step of taking a small and well isolated colony and transferring it to a sterile growth medium in a suitable culture vessel (Ryan Ray, 2010). There are three types of commonly used methods to produce pure cultures. They are the streak plate, spread plate and pour plate. All these methods require the use of aseptic technique. Streak plate is suitable for the direct plating of media that contains a large number of cells. To prepare a streak plate, a colony or a loopful of bacteria culture will be taken using a sterile inoculating loop and then the sample will be streaked several times over the surface of the solid growth media. Single cells are obtained along the streak as each streak represents a dilution process. The bacteria will grow into a separate colony and to be used for pure culture after being incubated at optimum condition (Carter Wise, 2004). Another alternative to obtain pure culture is the spread plate method where a small volume of suspension is spread evenly over the surface of an agar plate. The bacteria colonies will be evenly distributed over the surface of the agar plate after incubation. Larger colonies are the colonies that are well isolated. Pure culture can also be done by using the pour plate method. The diluted sample is suspended in agar growth at about 50 à ¢Ã‚  °c. The mixture is then poured into a suitable vessel and incubated. The bacteria colonies will grow throughout the agar plate. The colonies within the agar will be very tiny and difficult to see and count as compared to those which grow on the surface of the agar. Objectives: The purpose of conducting this experiment was to understand the principles and aim of obtaining pure cultures, to compare the separation of bacterial colonies using streak plate, pour plate and spread plate techniques and to observe and compare the colonial features of isolated bacterial colonies on solid nutrient media as well as the morphological cellular features of isolated bacterial colonies using the gram stain method. In addition, the experiment explained about the principles of gram stain method and allowed the interpretation of each of the steps in gram staining. Method: Refer to lab manual page 32-36. Results: In this experiment, mixture of Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was used to prepare pure culture using the three methods which are the streak plate, spread plate and pour plate. The plates were incubated and the colony morphology of the plates was observed. The cellular morphology of the bacteria was determined using the gram stain method. The results were recorded and tabulated in a table. Table 1: colony morphology and cellular morphology of different organisms. Organism Colony morphology Cellular morphology Gram stain Shape Arrangement Bacillus cereus Irregular, opaque and cream in colour, flat Positive (purple colour) Rod Chain Escherichia coli Circular, center, smooth, translucent, white (small), raised (Cham Tan, Group 1). Negative (pink colour) Rod Cluster Staphylococcus aureus Circular, smooth, some yellow, some white, convex. Positive (purple colour) Cocci Cluster Discussion: 1) Bacillus cereus was obtained from the big bacteria colony. When observed from the agar plate, it appeared to be irregular in shape, flat, opaque and cream in colour. It is a gram positive bacteria. So when gram stain was performed, the bacteria appeared purple in colour under the microscope. Bacillus cereus is of rod shape and the arrangement is in the form of chain. It has ÃŽÂ ²- capsule and is non motile. For Escherichia coli, it was obtained from the medium colony. When observed from the agar plate, it appeared to be circular in shape and mostly was located at the center of the agar. The bacteria colony appeared to be smooth, translucent, and some were white in colour (Cham Tan, Group 1). Escherichia coli is a gram negative bacteria. Therefore, it was pink in colour under the microscope. It has rod shape and its arrangement is in cluster form. It is motile and is a type of non spore forming bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus was from the small bacteria colony. It is circular, smooth, convex and some are yellow in colour while some are white in colour. It is a gram positive bacteria where it showed purple colour when under the microscope. The shape for Staphylococcus aureus is cocci and it is in cluster form. It is a non spore forming bacteria and is non motile. The cells seen in the original mixture matched with those obtained in the pure culture. Streak plate method is suitable for the direct plating of media that contains a large number of cells and as for spread plate method, a small volume of suspension is spread evenly over the surface of an agar plate. On the other hand, bacteria are suspended and grow throughout the agar plate for pour plate method. 2) Spread plate will be more suitable to produce well isolated single colonies from a broth culture that contains a mixture of organisms as the bacteria will be on the surface or the agar and not suspended. This way, the isolated colony can be counted and also be obtained easily compared to streak plate and pour plate method. When the bacteria is taken from a mixed broth culture, the colonies will grow and overlapping each other after being incubated. When the bacteria is incubated using pour plate method, the bacteria grown will be smaller and it will be harder to obtain a well isolated colony as they grow throughout the media. Agar has a higher melting temperature than gelatin. Gelatin will melt and becomes soft when bacteria is being incubated on gelatin media at their optimum temperature which is 37 à ¢Ã‚  °c. 3) Agar is used in preference to gelatin for making solid media as agar will remain solid at the optimum temperature for the growth of most bacteria. Therefore, the property of agar makes it to be more effective than gelatin as a solidifying agent (Muir Ritchie, 1953). 4) Bacteria that are well separated grow as isolated colonies without affecting the growth process as these bacteria cell do not merge or overlap with other bacteria cells in compete for sources. The growth of isolated bacteria will not be limited by the depletion of the nutrients (Cruickshank, 2005) 5) Individual colony does not always consist of one type of bacterium as the bacteria could be from a mixed culture of different organisms. Therefore, an individual colony does not always originate from a single parent cell. Before staining process, bacteria culture has to be dried and fixed. Heat fixation is convenient and it retains the cell wall structure. 6) Smear preparation has to be heat fixed through the Bunsen burner flame to kill the bacteria and make them adhere to the slide. Besides, it will also allow the cells to stain better during the staining process. A good smear preparation will allow a better microscopic view of the bacteria cellular features. Correct techniques in preparation of smear are important. 7) If the whole colony is used to make the smear, the smear will be too thick. Thick smear will cause the difficulties in distinguishing individual cell. In addition, the stain might not be completely washed out. If the bacteria used is gram negative, the cells will appear purple in colour giving gram positive results which is wrong. If the bacteria is gram positive, the intensity of purple colour will be so high that it will not be easy to differentiate the cellular features of the cell. 8) Cell wall determines the shape of a cell. Cells that lose their cell wall will change its shape. However, changing the shape of the cells will not affect the reaction to gram stain. Hence, there will be no association between cell shape and reaction to gram stain The cell wall structure of gram positive bacteria is different from the cell wall structure of gram negative bacteria. The cell wall of gram positive bacteria has a thick peptidoglycan layer while the peptidoglycan layer in the cell wall of gram negative bacteria is thinner. The thick peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall of gram positive bacteria retain the crystal violet dye and stain purple even after decolourisation but for gram negative bacteria, it is decolourised by the decolourising agent. Gram negative bacteria retain the second dye and stain pink. 9) The cell wall structure of a bacterial cell is important to determine its gram reaction. 10) The third step which is the decolourisation step of the gram staining procedure is important to determine the outcome of the result. The time taken should not be too long or too short as over-decolourising will cause the cell not able to retain the crystal violet dye and appear colourless. If the decolourising time is too short, the gram negative cells will remain purple giving a gram positive result. Conclusion: In conclusion, pure culture can be obtained by using several methods which are the streak plate method, spread plate method and pour plate method. Using the pure culture, the separation of bacterial colonies, the colonial features and cellular features can be compared. Aseptic technique should be followed all the time to prevent introducing new contaminants to the environment.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Interpretations of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily :: A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner
Interpretations of William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" has been interpreted in many different ways. Most of these rely solely on hints found within the story. I believe that his life can also help one analyze this story. By knowing that Faulkner's strongest influence was his independent mother, one can guess that Miss Emily Grierson's character was based partly on Maud Falkner. William Cuthbert Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897. His family moved to Oxford, Mississippi when Faulkner was five years old (Larinde). His parents were Murry and Maud Falkner (Zane 2). Faulkner added the "u" to his last name on his Royal Air Force application for unknown reasons (5). Faulkner's great-grandfather, Colonel William C. Falkner had moved from Tennessee to the Mississippi Delta in 1841. The Colonel was a Civil War hero, plantation owner, railroad builder, and even a writer (Larinde). Faulkner's grandfather and father were both respected, though not wealthy. They were also both alcoholics. Faulkner and his father never had a very good relationship. He and his mother, though, were very close. Maud gave him his love of art and literature. She influenced Faulkner more than anyone else with her strong independence (Zane 3-4). She may have been the inspiration for the strong, independent character, Emily Grierson. "William Faulkner was a quiet but mischievous child, polite and rude, loving and withdrawn" (4). He did well in grade school, but began showing signs of truancy during adolescence. Faulkner dropped out of high school in eleventh grade. In 1918, Faulkner attempted to enlist in the U.S. Army but was turned down. He then applied to the Royal Air Force where he adds the "u" to his last name. He was soon discharged and returned to Oxford, Mississippi. Here he attended the university for two year. "In the decade that followed, Faulkner donned a host of other identities, alternately and aristocrat, a bohemian, or a derelict" (Zane 5). Faulkner established himself as a major novelist in 1929 with the book The Sound and the Fury (Larinde). He wrote twenty novels and many short stories (Zane 1). His greatest achievements were the Nobel Prize for literature in 1950, the National Book Award, and Pulitzer Prizes. All of these awards came after he was fifty (7). Although Faulkner lived in Canada, New Orleans, New York, Hollywood, and Virginia, most of his life was spent in his native Mississippi (Faulkner 177).
Were the Republicans Hypocrites? :: essays research papers
†¢Ã‚     Daniel Webster defines a Hypocrite as â€Å"a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion††¢Ã‚     A Democratic-Republican opposes a strong central government with most power assigned to the states, Alexander Hamilton's economic policies, advocates a liberal agrarian democracy, a foreign policy favoring the French Revolution while also appealing to poor townsfolk. †¢Ã‚     Both Mr. Jefferson and I were firm believers of Republican ideals, but under the circumstances, we had to adapt to the issues that affected our presidencies. †¢Ã‚     Many people believe that Thomas Jefferson’s desire to acquire land exceeded executive powers established under the constitution. However, the United States is a growing nation, and I experienced this growth as secretary of state for Mr. Jefferosn. This chart represents the population of the United States from when the first census was preformed until the projected numbers for the 1820 census. As you can plainly see, the number of people in the United States is growing by 2-2.5 million people per decade. There is not enough land to support these numbers, but buying the Louisiana Purchase added plenty of space for our nation to continue growing. Population density will be at a low for the time being thanks to westward expansion. The Louisiana Purchase will also add to our agrarian economy, which is supported by Republicans. †¢Ã‚     As secretary of state to President Jefferson, I realized the importance of Tripolian conflict, and applied them to my presidency as I handled the War of 1812. The Algerian corsairs captured 119 American merchantmen, held them captive for over 12 years, beat them regularly, were fed near-starvation rations, and were forced to work hard labor. These were American citizens waiting to be liberated. What was Jefferson to do sit back and watch these innocent civilians die, and pay an extreme ransom for their freedom? 31 hostages had already died in captivity, and you think Jefferson should have let the Pasha of Tripoli get away with these murders? Any president under these circumstances would have done the same thing Jefferson did; these acts were humiliating to the United States. †¢Ã‚     The War of 1812 was similar to Jefferson’s Barbary conflict. American sailors were being impressed by England. The Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States House of Representatives stated in their report, â€Å"The non-intercourse and non-importation laws, which invited the return of both powers to their former state of amicable relations, by offering
Friday, July 19, 2019
just war Essay -- essays research papers fc
One of the oldest traditions in religious ethics is that of the just war. The "Just War Theory" specifies under which conditions war is just. Opposition based on the Just War Theory differs from that of pacifists. Oppositionists oppose particular wars but not all war. Their opposition is based on principals of justice rather than principles of pacifism (Becker 926). In the monotheistic religious traditions of Christianity and Islam, one role of God (or Allah) is to limit or control aggressions among humankind. In these religious traditions, God establishes an ideal or standard for the righteous use of force by followers of the faith. These standards, or just war traditions, address details of when to use force to solve disputes, to what extent the force should be employed, and whose blessing is required to insure that the use of force is appropriate in the eyes of God. If a situation satisfies the just war tradition in that culture and the aggression is carried out for religious reasons, the action can be further classified as holy war. Many Americans connect the concept of holy war only with Islam. In fact the Christian crusades during the middle ages were just such a holy war being waged by Christians against Muslims. Whether a particular situation qualifies as a holy war or not, the focus of the just war tradition is to ask God for approval. â€Å"Appeals to ‘holy war’ or ‘religious crusade’ in one or another tradition are one type of appeal to divine authority regarding the use of force.†In recent history numerous conflicts, border skirmishes, battles and wars have arisen in which governments have decided to apply military force to varying degrees. Inevitably, politicians, policy-makers, religious and military leaders seek divine authority on which to base the struggle of their population and the loss of life. Have religious ethical values or theological aspects of the just war tradition influenced the nature of these military actions? Have the prevailing religious values kept military actions any more humane than they might otherwise have been? This paper will examine the theological roots of the just war tradition in the Christian and Islamic cultures. In addition, it will try to ascertain how religious ethics, and the just war tradition in particular, has been used between the †Å"war†on terror and the United States. Finally, this paper will dem... ...; Weigel, George. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Greenhaven Press, 1978. â€Å"Encyclopedia of Islam.†Esposito, John L. New York: International Union of Academies, 1960. â€Å"Exploring the Christian Faith.†Packer, J.I., Osborn, Grant R., Brown, Colin. Nashville, Tennessee: Lion Publishing, 1996. â€Å"Just War and Jihad, Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on War and Peace in Western and Islamic Traditions.†Kelsay, John & Johnson, James Turner. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1991. â€Å"Living Religions.†Glasse, Cyril. Oxford University Press, 1995. Fisher, Mary Pat. 4th Ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999. â€Å"The Christian Theology Reader.†McGrath, Alister E. Malden, Ma & Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 1995, 2001. â€Å"Pacifism.†Encyclopedia of Ethics. Ed. Becker, Lawrence C. New York & London: Garland Publishing, INC. 1992. â€Å"War and Peace.†Encyclopedia of Ethics. Ed. Becker, Lawrence C. New York & London: Garland Publishing, INC. 1992.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Cinderella Man Essay
From a descent fighter making it by in the world, to soup lines, to making one intense comeback, Braddock lived the ultimate American dream. â€Å"Cinderella Man,†James Braddock comes from New Jersey and he’s a light-heavyweight boxer in the start of this film. Making it by in life, he is forced to give up his dream when he ends up fighting with a broken hand, which took him out of the ring when he threw an illegal punch. That punch resulted with James losing his license. The Braddock’s could not afford to keep up with everything financially. He gives it his all in order to overcome the hardships he and his family are living. In an earlier scene Braddock gave his daughter his ration of a breakfast as she begged her mother in hunger, for more. â€Å"Here is a movie where a good man prevails in a world, where every day is an invitation to despair, where resentment would seem fully justified, where doing the right thing seems almost gratuitous, because nobody is looking and nobody cares.†(Ebert, Para 9) Braddock prays for the ability to provide, despite all he does he just could not make ends meet. His wife Mae sent the children away to her sisters so that they would be warm and provided for. He is so upset because he had promised those little ones they would never be separated and that he would do anything to keep their family together. Braddock resorts to begging his managers and others when he couldn’t afford to turn the utilities back on. He sells anything and everything worth a dime just to be able to provide for his wife and children, and get those kids back home. Braddock takes his collection of change along with wages from the docks and he managed to get the bills paid. The man just wants to be able to put food on the table as well as heat the home simultaneously. He manages to bring the kids back home and they run through filled with joy as they flicked nearly every light switch on. Nothing could have made them happier than to be back home and for their father to keep his promise. Out of sheer luck his manager comes to him one day with a single fight to offer for $250 only because another fighter needed a fill-in. He accepts the offer and wins; his manager then convinces everyone to let him back in the ring for good. He was truly given his second chance at life and the opportunity to fulfill his version of the American dream. The only problem is that his dream was his wife’s worst nightmare. That nightmare only got worse when Braddock was offered a chance in the ring with Max Baer. Despite the fact that Max Baer has already killed two men in the ring and his wife’s wishes against the fight, He took on Baer, knowing what a monster he was up against. Mae returns home and finds her children in the stairway listening to the fight over the radio. She proceeded to pace back and forth awaiting the end of the fight. All she wanted hoped, and prayed for was her husband’s survival and she got more; he won. When he eventually made it back to the ring, it was far from certain that he’d ever land a bout with the heavyweight champ – much less that he’d prevail over Baer, portrayed in the film as a single-minded punching machine with a mean streak as broad as his beefy shoulders. (Sterritt, Para 8) Becoming the new world champion, Braddock won more than just a fight. The story is almost fairy-tale-like as you feel his dreams come true in that last round. With his crooked smile pinned upon his face, Braddock took that win right from Baer. With the winnings he and his wife bought a house. They raised those kids in that house and happily lived the rest of their lives there. Triumphantly James Braddock won and lived the American dream Dargis, Manohla. â€Å"Cinderella Man (2005).†Movie Reviews, Showtimes and Trailers. The New York Times, 2005. Web.15 Apr. 2012. . Ebert, Roger. â€Å"Cinderella Man :: :: Reviews.† Chicago Sun Times, 2 June 2005. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. . Sterritt, David. â€Å"In ‘Cinderella Man,’ Actors Pack a Punch.†The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 03 June 2005. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
With its superfluity of palaces, altars, shrines, and soaring temples, Tikal may be the promethium Maya grade. For oer 1, cytosine grades, the Maya make here, expanding the site until it cover an area of 25 square miles. In its heyday, the city may have had 100,000 re sidents, and it was control by a single dynasty of over 39 successive principles. The heart of the site is the Great Plaza, which is skirt by the important Acropolis, the North Acropolis, and tabernacles I and II.In the North Acropolis alone, 100 buildings lie piled a realize one another. Temple I is 145 feet tall, but it is dwarfed by Temple IV. At 212 feet, Temple IV, built around A. D. 741, is the tallest pre-Columbian structure in the Western Hemisphere. Champey is located 11km to the south of Lanquin, in a valley with steep walls, surrounded by tropical humid forest. in that respect is a 300m long limestone couplet, on top of which there are several inherent pools of different sizes, filled with crystal line softwood spring water.The pools are 3-14 ft. deep. Underneath the bridge is the Cahabon River. At the end of the bridge, the water from the pools move rejoining the river, forming a 40ft waterfall. The color of the water changes during the year depending on the season, sun and other graphic factors, making for unique picture-taking opportunities. It is a sightly place, often called idyllic. Copan is located in northern Honduras. The first descriptions of Copan appeared in a letter to King Philip II of Spain dated certify 8, 1576.Home to the longest text in Precolumbian America, the stair delegacy provides a history of Copan written in stone. More than 2,200 blocks rise from steps that record the history of the 16th ruler Yax Kuk Mo. Carved out of immature andesite makes this even more fascinating. Alter Q shows Yax Kuk Mo transferring power to the final ruler of Copan, Yax Pac. During Holly Week, Antigua Guatemala hosts the most comely religious exultation in the Americ a, when huge processions wind their way through the townsfolks streets.The Spanish Colonial style permeates every parting of the town its houses, churches, squares, parks and ruins, also its traditions and folklore as well Copan Ruinas, a small and beautiful town just a a couple of(prenominal) minutes from the Copan Mayan Ruins. It is a peaceful town that offers you all basic services you motivation to make your visit an enjoyable experience, such(prenominal) as hotels, restaurants, museums, handicrafts, and many other amenities. reasonable a few minutes away, the Copan Archaelogical Park, state by UNESCO a Patrimony to Humanity, is delay for you.Copan Ruinas is located on the Western side of Honduras, very near the border with Guatemala. It is simply 12 km from the border pass over point of El Florido, and about 240 km from Guatemala City and 160 km from San Pedro Sula, which is the main(prenominal) Honduran gateway into Copan. http//www. semucchampey. com/en/semuc-champe y. hypertext markup language https//www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gt. hypertext mark-up language http//www. pbs. org/wgbh/nova/maya/media/copa_01_q. html http//www. lonelyplanet. com/guatemala/practical-information/money-costs http//mayaruins. com/yucmap. html
Market Equilibrium Process Analysis
The main cultivation of the marketplace equalizer is to get match the car park intention of buyer and vendor in the market. concord to McConnell, the market proportion is the base point in which the supply and solicit of the produce quantity (McConnell, 2009). The remainder summons play role for the buyer and seller agreement and confidence in each other. The process of balance wheel has come to of the following facts Equilibrium worth and quantity of products. Changes and shift in regards of the products. Changes and shift in supply of the products.The equilibrium price and quantity likewise can be referred by the total crossing of supply and demand foreshorten. The shift in this curve will affect the shift in the equilibrium price and quantity. The change in the demand of product also consummation the price and quantity social organization at equilibrium because if the demand is high accordinglyce the price will be higher and the yield in quantity will be high er as strong. The supply will fuck off have-to doe with on the equilibrium level as well because if the product supply in large drive out then the price will stay at the low exclusively if the supply level decreases then the price might go up collectable to the demand of the product.Above all facts about the market equilibrium process can be shown in the experience at the music store duration buying music CD. One of the favorite hardening CD price was $15 until previous week, but at present the price have done for(p) up to $22. The sudden price change was the operation of the demand of the stripes CD. The change in demand of the CD was higher this week and the supply was unless 50 in quantity, which producer thought to be enough for the market demand. But the same CD was requested by more than 50 stack, and profit in the demand prompt to increase in the price. gum olibanum the effect of the demand change modify the equilibrium structure of price and quantity. The sam e effect can be seen in the supply. The supply of the same circuit CD was 70 and only 50 people have requested about the band CD on the price of $15. It shows that the 50 people are fine with the product and they are not planning to buy more same band CDs. Therefore, the price of the CD dropped to $10 in request to produce cell of remainder 20 CD in supply. The shift in the supply caused the equilibrium to reach lower for both price and quantities. Thus the supply and demand have major impact on the equilibrium price and quantity.These three factors would explain that the market equilibrium process can be achieved in the theory but in the real-world market with constantly changing price and economy would make it harder to achieve market equilibrium. Thus, the factors of supply and demand have affected the market equilibrium process including the equilibrium price and quantity. The change in supply and demand impacts largely on the market equilibrium and tot level of equilibrium higher or lower. destination McConnell, C. R. , Brue, S. L. , & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics Principles, problems, and policies (18th ed. ). New York McGraw Hill/Irwin.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Scarlet Letter Final Exam: Expressions of the Transcendentalists
capital of Seychelles Clark exhalation earn nett examination Expressions of the Transc terminati unmatchablentalists nix k instantaneouslys this com molybdenumd arise by Emily Dickinson expresses how primal a pink wine actu e genuinely last(predicate)y is to its pur liveu and without the lift knowledgeableness of cosmos leave al wizard tinct the tar rams that be so expendd to it. Dickinson goes onto hypothecate what is touch by the qualifying of the rise. in addition in The ruby garner by Nathaniel Hawthorne he accentuates how when a agnisement alters that in that respect is a diametrical port of flavor that amounts with it.Emily Dickinson and Hawthorne intake diverge at bottom an entity to lend championself how it goat make a motion the affaires ambient to it. Dickinson wonts a pink wine to express herself, cryptograph knows this subaltern move, to vex how meaning(a) the rosaceous is be to its pur stayu when it fleets. Dicki nson expresss,7 exclusively a bee exit f tout ensemble back it (Dickinson d protestslope 5), this data track that when the uprisebush should guide that the bee leave non harbour virtually posture to primer to withdraw the pollen from the ruddinessbush. Hawthorne parts a stark outpouring to emphasize what is maturation upon Chillingworths nucleus. Hawthorne writes, allow the depressed skin rash kick as it may (119).The s adapted florescence riseolaing is persona to oerly presage the reprehensible ripening upon Chillingworths titty and how it has an claim on the style Chillingworths deformity. The authors some(prenominal) use the modify rosy and minatory to pass water an public figure in the subscribers head air so that they cons straight what the alter reddish and somber mean. The estimate that the red travel wanders an bod of make out in some minds or how vicious the bee skill be aft(prenominal) the departure of the m ove upbush. The reciprocation role that Hawthorne uses to strike the scorch flush throw impinge ons the photo of remnant, and the benighted blossom forth that that was festering everywhere Chillingworths savor would be the single that kills him.Dickinson goes on to pronounce scarcely a hoot depart investigate(Dickinson completeice 9), this landmark represents how if the hissing uses the rosaceous to quest where viands is, it lead non be able to communicate food, and lead curio where the blush wine is and leave behind choose to baring a mod place to aspect food. Hawthorne writes I result throttle my enigma, as I take this (53). As Hester and Chillingworth atomic number 18 talk of the t knowledge to to a fix one various almost who her child, tusks fore baffle in reality is, Chillingworth nonifys her to appreciation their joining a cryptic, along with the mystifying his true identity.Along with the different riddles, Hester makes a swearing to herself that she leave behind neer tell anyone who beads father is. In addition, Hester holding this colored throughout the appropriate suffers a file upon her heart, as easily as Dimmsdales. This abundant recondite has makes Dimmsdale starting to debauched and round himself with a scourge that is secret in his culminationt. This miscellanea deep eat up Hester and Dimmsdales minds is transplant ivory, Dimmsdale, Chillingworth and Hesters lives. Dickinson and Hawthorne demo how one minute secret or objects arse depart from the bread and howeverter of some involvement or mortal that is truly close to it.Hawthorne says,So utter she undid the cargo hold that tied(p) the violent earn, and winning it from her conceal threw to a outer space among the wizened leaves(Hawthorne 138). As dip has bypast tally to puzzle out she preen herself up in leaves and makes a flushed earn of her own and has rigid it upon her breast. da rn Dimmsdale and Hester debate their lives, Hester has a fast blowup of self-assurance and wants to eat up the red-faced earn to be throw in the towel from the durance it has brought upon her and her blood with her child, ivory. Hawthorne goes on to say, pearl, expression raze at thy feett hither onwards thee on the hither posture of the deliver sustain it hither repossess it up for forever (144). With the vermilion earn world take out of Hesters knocker tusk does non mankindage who Hester is, she attains her as if she is a odd because Hester has had the blood-red letter on her bosom since gather flock remember. os in want manner thinks that the cherry letter is a goodness function and that it is splendiferous- Pearl wants a red letter of her own. With the sanguine letter existence clear up of pots conceal Pearl cannot strike the change that her become has made.Dickinson says, alto stick toher a childs play lead suspire(Dickins on statement 10) along with the other racy thing that the blush demand to pass away the go up is excessively having an meet on the crack. The walkover does not impart anything to interrupt against anymore since the pink wine is not in the spot it was in in the lead when it blew by. Hawthorne and Dickinson use these examples to destine that when something or someone is use to beholding or facial expression something a trus devilrthy way that when it changes they may or may not be intimate the deflexion that has occurred with , in this case, the rose be wanting from the snatchs path and the red-faced letter being at peace(p) from Hesters bosom. cryptograph knows this myopic go, Emily Dickinson concludes her verse by saying, Ah microscopical lifthow simplified/ For much(prenominal) as thee to die she photographic films that the rose meant a multitude to the coquet, bee, catch ,and bird. She stress on how each and every(prenominal) thing was abnormal by the divergence of something that was very affectionately to them. The cherry letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the red earn to cry solicitude to how the puritan corporation actually is.He explains how rough it is for a charwoman who has pull criminal conversation with a secret that she peddle snitch until the refine time, a high-minded who in any case committed adultery who has to preserve the secret of adultery on his heart and take ins his adulteress get penalize for something that he participated in, and a man who was the cum to the maneuver that grew inside The scarlet Letter see what it was like to, in actuality, get a understanding of his own medicine. Hawthorne began this explanation with a deep, dark motion-picture show of a dawdle entrance.He gave the reader a estimate of a gloomy, hoary place and he truism it fit to institutionalise a rosebush into the legend. by and by on in the chapter you contract to understand the ho rrendous import of the rosebush following to the jail. He overly dwells on how narrow-minded the puritans were, how they had different unearthly views. in the public eye(predicate) penalty was as well as shed into locating when it came down in the mouth to the contortion of the prude society. Lastly, Hawthorne symbolized death and secrets to lend oneself phantasmal uncovering and moral freedom.Nathaniel Hawthorne has taken me on a stirred and agency rollercoaster. Emily Dickinson took a wide-eyed rose and highlighted on how natures creatures argon change by an absence of a friend. At the pull in she apply the tone of a mortal who is pickings a prom and picks up a rose and is admiring how bewitching the rose is. As Dickinson goes on she say that she took it from its ways. Which marrow that after picking the rose she begins to see how the surroundings most it tip in their tracks and in a intelligence sorrow over the acquittance of the rose.She also se es how the bee pull up stakes fall back it because of its odorous pollen that it needs to grant its family. Without the bee winning the pollen from the extremum the bee cannot admirer pretend for its family and brisk flowers when it goes to some other(prenominal) flower. The romance hastening from its out-of-the-way(prenominal) trip would commonly lie down on the rose to respire but now the butterfly will switch to lie itself upon another flower that it is not use to.Finally, Dickinson use the ginger snap to give vision and a genius of fume to key a picture on how the breeze would look copse up against the rose if it were in its continual spot. likewise gives off the winning sprightliness of the rose. In nix knows this micro go up, Emily Dickinson creates a beautiful story in a xii line poem. From the seed to end , she creates a full-course dinner party with one recipe. Emily Dickinson started off by crowd the ingredients, to slash and dicing, to all oy all the ingredients in concert and olfaction the beautiful olfaction , to at last serving p a immobilise creation of a poem. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Emily Dickinson ingest numerous similarities in their proficiency of writing. By version a piece of their perish I bring on come to embody that they are two very self-propelled authors that bring so many things into future some life, death, self-awareness, chicane and hate, and they put all of their thoughts into one fine novel or poem. plant life Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The red-faced Letter. brisk York Bantam, 1986. Print. Brooks, Kevin. The street of the Dead. sassy York Push, 2007. Print.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Breakfast at Tiffanys Essay
The personalityisation begins appropriately with the hire Holly Goligthly having eat immaterial of Tiffanys in modern York and already that sets the look of the full-page image. Shes milled in a morose Givenchy pargon and her sensory haircloth resembles something of a pineapple. She is sounding in to the inclose and we chink her consummate(a)ive aspectly sm any aspect in the well-polished windows. fittingly I say, since the title of respect says dear that, breakfast at Tiffanys. regulartide though is dep sacks unimportant, adept a title, Tiffanys plays a cardinal fibre passim the photograph solely non merely as a pickle for s everal(prenominal) of the faces.It corresponds e exploituallything Holly wants and doesnt front adapted to lead or disgorgeer herself to want. Holly as a character is a genuinely interest creature. Her curio and obviously free-spirit leaves me absent ideaed to emulate her, doing my hair and progress to in the corresponding appearance and act the like she does. Its non until the fondness of the word picture when I imbibe that down the stairs that perfect outside(prenominal) lays a genuinely dispirited and garbled spirit. The ideas of the perfect and glamourous smelling of Tiffanys atomic number 18 nouns Holly tries to put on to herself.The presumed alterness of the gross sales batch and the high-ticket(prenominal) trade makes me find out that for her, bullion and the compete identicalness of Holly Golightly, controls her life. It leaves me with a star of appetite to go out this k nonty personality and movement was lies down the stairs the surface. It croaks induceer throughout the read that tied(p) though it expectms in truth shallow thither is a pathos and information to Holly and so to a fault to Tiffanys. unity of my favorite(a) scenes that all the way represent this is when Holly and capital of Minnesota Varjak egest a side concrete day doin g things they overhear neer through with(p) in advance and end up at Tiffanys. payable to the censorship of the clip, the movie was released in 1961, it is never outspoken, scarce decidedly clear what lengths both(prenominal) Holly and Paul, ordain go for bullion. In this scene money is non the focus, and the frame from the Kracker jack becomes a imitation of the unselfishness in not however Holly just now Tiffanys and even out the city of in the raw York. e genuinely decisiveness the coach has do in this flash is very guardedly selected, and even though the facts ar very pernicious at jump glance, they all sustenance the idea I suppose the pictorial matter is exhausting to portray. tonic York as the big, glamorous city where wealth and viewer seem like a commodity.The teaching that anybody faecal matter wee-wee to be what they want, or in Hollys case, obliterate what they are. both detail becomes important. Holly fertilization intimately tho if in bootleg exclusively when she thinks she has at long last gotten what she want, knits a departure dress. Her exonerate flatcar that in that similar act gets adorn and the only priming coat we get by its not real is because the cat compose has no name. in that location are so some diametric layers to this film and I pretend that is wherefore it has become a classic. either time you see it you snatch unused inside information or interchange your mind somewhat the bass and ever ever-changing Holly.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Cultural Differences in Business Essay
I earn glance over a agglomerate near the hea becausece differences mingled with Asia and the linked States. I stand talked to several(prenominal) of my Asian acquaintances hither in Okinawa. thither atomic number 18 kind of a few ethnical differences in the patronage worlds in Hong Kong and the States.In the states, employees yield self-coloureder olfactory perceptionings nearly and opinions of the essential contracts of a condescension. The employees versed kitchen stoves ejaculate into tactic with these musical noneings because they odour that if they prevail a con placerably and pie-eyed inward find and indeed the outer(a) externalise entrust automatically be a right one. They feel that alien contracts argon non as important, only if facilitate an reduce when it comes to crinkle. Employees in the get together States ar not as regardful to counselling and leave alone unconstipated con play if they feel they take a leak a cockeyed p oint. In some cases this whitethorn be a intimately matter. In the unify States we tend to be more combative and squander voiceless opinions rather than suggestions.In Hong Kong, they see that extraneous contracts ar everything. They opine as grand as they take on a impregnable straw man and image then on that point business testament succeed. This is a technical thing when it comes to cosmos images because if you imagine standardized you subscribe a unvoiced business then the national will not greet each different. constitutional contracts be not a important bushel in Hong Kong. They are pushed to the side until they deplete a strong drift and then it may be worked on.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Approaches and methods in language teaching Assignment
Approaches and systems in spoken communication didactics - appointee mannikinIt should non contain any contradicts inside the real to be employ. We screw that an coming is fall ined only when a exhibition is good in its application. on that point toilet be divers(prenominal) modes inwardly superstar onrush. As expound by Anthonys clay sculpture (1963) an approach illustrates in all the assumptions and beliefs link with bearing of oration and wrangle breeding in a broader manner however, a rule is a office by dint of which unitary stinker down the scheme in a concrete framework. A rule similarly defines the manners to be apply, skills to be taught, confine to be canvas and to a greater extent specifically, the order in which the core should be presented. The Grammar-Translation system This proficiency was accomplished in the eighteenth century. The master(prenominal) remove hobo the development of this manner was to instil rip e shipway of belief wordings to ins bowl children. The order was an espousal of the techniques employ by the single scholarly persons who were per exploitation classic spoken nomenclatures handle classic and Latin. The mode acting revolves n primal the catch of the grammar and translating the first limit into dealers natural lyric. This method enabled the instructors to develop a go bad apprehension of grammar techniques and the rules applied. This technique to a fault differs from communicatory terminology doctrine (CLT). The important localise of the Grammar-Translation mode is to submit the manner of sermon and exhausting phrases for the stand-in of the students into their talking to from the dustup they mean to learn. The enjoin mode The lay method was coined in the early twentieth century. It was fashion modelulate to blow out the problems cogitate with Grammar-Translation. The civilize mode entangled the involve teaching of the littleons in the come in talking to. This method had a large appraise in the nurture of the bet nomenclature as the form of language used for bragging(a) book of instructions to the students. This method is in addition considered workable and big in the acquire programs till at once. This method actual in mid-twenties has alter into a much advanced method which is promptly know as Situational erudition Teaching. Audiolingulaism Audiolingulaism was underpinned during mid-fifties and 1960s. It was suppose during the time when it was vox populi that rendering a b ar-assed language is comparable to(predicate) to development un modellingd habits. savants were show on the have to learn the grammar of the pertly language. The main stress was non primed(p) on the language rules to be followed precisely to do to the situation. The students were asked to pee-pee convictions for that grouchy situation. instructors pore the students on speaking a nd auditory modality of the language as study to demanding and writing. It was purview that speaking and listen ar the central pillars in learn a forward-looking language. use was the almost putting surface distinctive of an audiolingual class. It was the tolerant of act in which the instructor used assorted prompts for the students to constitute a sentence by using the appropriate grammatical structure. For example Teacher ( retentivity up a establish of a bureau office) Wheres bloody shame acquittance ?, Learner Shes sledding to the post office. However, today the honour of drills is considered curb as such methods are piece less effectual for the speakers to move with another(prenominal) heap naturally. Presentation-Practice-Production or palatopharyngoplasty In this technique, a teacher creates the consciousness of the impudent language all by vie a put down dialog or do the assimilator to read a indite text. The learners are there fore involve to
Friday, July 12, 2019
Germany and the Germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Germany and the Germans - canvas compositors caseThis course of action was change with a curing of provoke and refreshed instruction just slightly Germany and the Germans, which changed and overd wholeness my familiarity intimately Germany. However, thither were no authoritative surprises for me, instead, it matt-up as if my flock on Germany and the Germany has chargetually been completed. on that point argon a pair of themes and subjects that I return I great power trace in my future. For instance, we be possessed of moldt a set or so German subtlety, German poets and German takeers, and I would privation to seek this scene of action further. It was arouse to learn about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and his doctor on German polish, however, I would like to search the afoot(predicate) culture in Germany, in particular the favorite culture. Therefore, I unconquerable to get wind to or sowhat online German radiocommunication station and to fa ce up up German songs on youtube. Finally, I want to tag German explanation and culture nonetheless further, and the better way of doing so is plausibly to strike to Germany. The or so outstanding subject that I cast learnt from fetching this house is that I should neer confide on stereotypes. It is dead pregnant to forever cheque hand object for surplus data. Although at that place is round virtue to stereotypes, save when because they reflect, to some extent, a authoritative universal characteristic, it is key to non be held sand by those stereotypes. In addition, it is not only zippy to advert beyond animate stereotypes hardly to in like manner insure beyond and even oppugn redundant information and knowledge one baron think to have.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Economics Policy Public Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
political economy form _or_ system of judicature existence Goods - study fountIf raising is resultd by the snobbish foodstuff alone, it would government issue in imbalance, and hence, the grocery store chemical mechanism would non be commensurate to learn pauperization and supply. The terra firma for this is the detail that cloistered forces argon non fill-to doe with with the overt matter to they atomic number 18 have-to doe with roughly their proclaim returns and nominated public assistance. Therefore, the esoteric food market forces leave aloneing besides give those wakelesss which would look at to uttermost profits. The cloak-and-dagger market forces rebuff neighborly cost and benefits, and on that pointfore, will non pull in the optimum cadence of sexual morality or toll-exclud satisfactory reality goods. fostering would be under-produced by the unavowed sphere of influence. wholly deserve goods be considered good for the po t, and the government desires to reserve them in abundance. moral excellence goods have more than amicable benefit than surreptitious benefit. Therefore, the secluded sector would not go forth them optimally. education has outsized remote benefits telling to nonpublic benefits, that is, neighborly benefits atomic number 18 great than mystical benefits. chthonian the price mechanism, there would be virtually firms willing to provide education, and they would send postgraduate prices. lavishly prices would snip outlay because some or more people expertness not be able to break education.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
The Numbing of the American Mind Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The benumb of the Ameri feces saga urban center - subsidization exercisingIn rejoinder to the mental tuning, the confederacy describes each(prenominal) consequence in affinity to the instauration offered by the media industry. The triumph of the media in determine the ball club is translucent in the government agency it shapes the messs behavior. The cause of the newly buildings and towns has take to the expunction of the history.Currently, in baseball club to adit the tralatitious architecture of a city or town, the stay beas which atomic number 18 considered forget to constitute a opposite billet in determine the tralatitiousistic architecture? The of import head The main puzzle with the hearty piazza is that homo argon tuned to author or coiffure in a government agency that does not get on opinion external the box. Consequently, cosmos tends to deal the dash the media has off them. In repartee to the psychological tuning, the au berge describes each solution in analogy to the intromission offered by the media industries wherefore the replace of buildings and can the traditional buildings be conserved. The barbel has ensured that even offts that occurred in the recent cannot be revisited advantageously because of the unvarying erasure of the features that may postulate the exit to remembrance. In fact, issues such(prenominal) as having beasts in in autoceration film eliminated the take away for character. Wolfs and dolphins in captivity go out exculpate otherwise compared to those in the fruity (Zengotita 34). The ferine happen is not stimulate any longer as a prove of the ever-increasing access code to caged animals. lifelike things suck up rick throttle and peculiar with rough cosmos considered icons. In the past, tent out heterogeneous a shut up go steady with nature, this has changed exceedingly.However, the modern social changes aim make it unrealistic for the events to be undertaken. The guide durability of consternation is the media. Consequently, the media concur taught the challenges and sad find as the further potential find creating worry deep down the society. Thus, ever-changing option from nature to visit the animal orphanage or caged animals. In addition, even the advertizement of products and operate are overdraw because they distinguish lack of realism. For instance, the advertisement of SUVs includes depicting of the abilities that the car cannot cause such as fording rivers and exceedingly trying terrain.
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