Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nature of emotions Essay
Compare The Two of Us by Armitage and Havisham by Duffy, paying particular attention to how thoughts and feelings are presented. The two poems by Armitage and Duffy focus specifically on the destructive nature of emotions. The Two of Us focuses on the superficiality of possession whilst Havisham considers the deception of relationships. This brings about both of the speakers and poets feelings. The Two of Us deals with a comparison between two brothers who differ in terms of wealth and professions. There is also a moral to Armitage’s poem, which emphasises the idea that material goods will be useless in death. This means that the poem is thought provoking. On the other hand, Havisham concentrates on a female speaker who is angry and bitter about a failed relationship, most likely caused from an unfaithful partner. The poet explores themes of jealousy and violence, which gives an interesting twist on Duffy’s familiar theme of love. Nevertheless, the two poems have similarities in terms of perspective. They both employ the personal pronoun â€Å"I†which expresses the deep individual thoughts and feelings of the speaker. However, The Two of Us also involves the second person pronoun â€Å"you†to express a feeling of accusation and deep resentment. There are several differences in the structure of both poems. The Two of Us has a rhyme scheme, which mirrors the ‘I’ and ‘you’ of the poem. However, Havisham is written in free verse, which reflects the spontaneity of the speaker’s emotions. It also shows that the speaker is lacking control of her own feelings Therefore, The Two of US has a stricter structure to reinforce the divide between the rich brother and the poor one. There are similar aspects of thoughts and feelings in terms of imagery. Both employ colour imagery to depict specific emotions and moods, for example, the colour â€Å"gold†in The Two of Us has connotations of glamour and a degree of luxury. Havisham uses colour in a more traditional and stereotypical sense i. e. â€Å"dark green pebbles for eyes,†this illustrating the speaker’s envy. However, The two of us is written more uniquely; this shown through the cluster of similes in the fifth stanza; â€Å"Like I’m some cutting taken from the tree†â€Å"Like I’m some twig related to the root. †The speaker emphasises that they are actually related and could possibly be twins. There are also similarities and differences between the two poems in terms of language. Both use juxtapositions but for different purposes. In The Two of Us it provides a contrast between rich and poor whilst in Havisham in expresses her feelings for her lover, â€Å"Beloved sweetheart bastard. †However, both poems have unique features to portray thoughts and feelings. The pathetic fallacy in The Two of Us allows the reader to empathise towards the poor conditions the speaker lives in; ††¦ Rain to racket on the metal roof†The harsh sounding alliteration makes the weather seem a lot tougher and therefore the conditions he faces a lot tougher. This makes the rich brother a more unlikeable character because he has not helped the poor one. Havisham uses different language techniques to portray the message of the poem. The final stanza shows how hurt and upset the speaker is, â€Å"Don’t think that its only the heart that b-b-b-breaks. †This breakdown in language shows that the speaker is sobbing and been affected by the broken relationship. Overall, both poems are successful in presenting the thoughts and feeling of the speakers. They target specific emotions from the reader which aids in the reader understanding the poems.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Child Abuse Essay
In order to curb the cases of child abuse, effective education and awareness campaign should be conducted in schools and communities. Through this education and awareness campaign, children will learn about their rights and activities that may be construed as child abuse. Knowledge about rights and any activities that may resemble abuse will certainly help children deal with the issue if they come face to face with it. The paper will look into effective means of promoting awareness about child abuse among children in the community. Secondly, it will look at the risk factor that contributes to the situation of child abuse. Lastly, the study will prescribe an awareness and education campaign for implementation. Previous education and awareness campaigns will also be considered in the paper. Library research and interviews will be conducted. One of the challenges that will beset the study will be the view that educational campaigns, especially those conducted using mass media will have limited effect or impact on the proliferation of child abuse. The validity of this argument will be addressed by presenting studies dealing with the impact of mass media on child abuse awareness campaigns. Furthermore, the study can present a case study that will deal directly with the challenges posed. While the argument may have certain validity, a single means of promoting awareness and education campaign is bound to fail. Hence, additional communication channels should be identified for the campaign. Reference Teicher, M. H. (2002). Scars that Won’t Heal: The Neurobiology of Child Abuse. Scientific American, 286 (3), 54-61. This journal article presents the difficult processes that victims of child abuse go through. It is an indictment of child abuse. At the same time, the author presents interesting recommendations on how child abuse victims can be dealt with so they can cope with pain and trauma. This also provides important insight into the manner of prevention of child abuse. Glaser, D. (2000). Child Abuse and Neglect and the Brain – A Review. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41, 97-116. The mental and emotional impact of child abuse is difficult to deal with. Hence, this study helps researchers and other people interested in child abuse to look at these impacts and how to arrive at sound policies for intervention and information campaign.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
E-Retail Industry – The Uk Internet Grocery Market
This study aims to understand the competitive environment of some of the main retailers within the UK market and to demonstrate the different elements of the e-environment that impact on the retailer's business and marketing strategy. Furthermore this study will assess the impact of many factors and constraints surrounding the e-retail industry and specifically the grocery sector of the retail industry. It is known globally that the UK has the most developed grocery e-tailing sector in the world and that is increasingly appearing specially after the failure of many business models which have adopted the internet for distributing and selling there products This study will exclude B2B sector and will focus on B2C sector in the retail market I will be focusing on the online grocery market and the main British players leading this market. I have selected this industry because recently, it has caused a noise globally, and many interested people are wondering whether this industry has reached the mature level or it is still growing or it is only a noise which will lose its importance later. The UK Grocery Market it is estimated that à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½105 billion of groceries are sold in Britain each year, (MINTEL Nov, 2002) , that shows a noticeable increase in sales over the period since 1999 until the end of 2002. The Total retail sales through specialist and non-specialist food retailers were worth some à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½90 billion in 1999 and many specialists predict this market to continue growing to reach 120 billion by 2005 (MINTEL, Nov. 2000) Within the food market itself, fruit and vegetables represent the largest market, with high demand within the sector for fresh produce. Convenience foods – fresh and frozen ready meals – are also highly demanded, as are products which generally fit well with the needs of the much maligned ‘cash rich and time poor' consumer. Key debates within the market surround the use of genetically modified (GM) produce, and this has helped to create niches in the retail market for suppliers of GM-free or organic ranges. The major supermarkets have been moving quickly into the organic sector, in which higher margins can be found. (Key Note) The UK grocery market is driven by economic factors, population structures, household size employment pattern and lifestyle patterns whose impact is shown below as macroeconomic factors: Economic factors – Although consumer expenditure is predicted to continue to grow by 12.6% to 2004, with personal disposable income expected to also grow steadily, it is unlikely that this will impact strongly on spending on food for in-home expenditure; As personal wealth has grown, spending on food has decreased as a proportion of total expenditure, with leisure activities, including eating out, taking most of the surplus. Some premium categories of food, such as organic produce, will benefit. As a result the focus of promotional strategy is moving away from price competitiveness towards other aspects of the retail offer. The population structure – Food expenditure and the overall market size is directly related to the size of the population but the long-term outlook for the British population is for very low growth, implying that the food retailing sector is likely to find domestic profits hard to grow. Household structure – Over the period 1999-2004, an increase of 830,000 (3.4%) (MINTEL, Nov 2000) household is anticipated. This is due to factors other than an increase in population; the growth is coming from one- and two-person households, due to rising divorce and separation rates, getting married later or not at all and the elderly living longer These trends disrupt the economic logic of the superstore model which is designed to offer large families convenient means to buy large volumes of food in one place, relatively infrequently, during the daytime, and to transport that shopping home by private car. Yet only 20% of adults have children under 16 living at home with them. All the major grocery retailers are competing to grow their share of this crucial segment of the population. Smaller households equate to more frequent shops for a few items at a time, often at unsociable hours, a considerably more expensive retailing proposition. Changing employment patterns and practices, with increasing frequency of part-time working, mean there are fewer families in which one partner has the time to shop at relative leisure during the day, and more for whom shopping is a shared duty, carried out whenever busy schedules will allow. In turn, time-pressured shoppers will often want to use a variety of shopping patterns according to circumstance, with retailers being required to offer more channels to market in order to compete. This cannot be done without cost implications. Changes in consumer tastes and lifestyles have an influence on grocery demand patterns. Healthy-food fashions and food-safety scares cause people to change what they eat, while there is a strong trend towards snacking and convenience eating – which involves an increasing proportion of food being bought through channels other than grocery retailers.(MINTEL) Internet adoption in the UK retail Sector Retailers generally begin on-line activities by providing information and interactive communication. Their site may develop into an electronic shop almost mirroring their offline activities A study by the department of trade and industry (DTI) called, ‘E-Commerce Impact Study: Retail Overview' ( 29 July 2002) shows that: More than 75% of retailers are adopting e-business technologies, Nearly a quarter of retailers surveyed, and more than 56% of micro firms in the convenience store sector, have not thought about the benefits of the e-commerce. This report provides a detailed look at a number of key retail sector, and shows how UK retailers are getting to grip with e-commerce and that modern technologies are helping to change the way they do business. The report mentioned that: – 77% of companies are adopting e-commerce technologies – 71% of businesses use external e-mail – 53% of firms have a website More British food shoppers have converted to online grocery shopping than in any other country. However, Internet sales still represent a tiny, although growing, percentage of the overall UK grocery market. Most people use the Internet as a way of gathering information on products and making price comparisons before visiting their local store.(Key Note) Despite these statistics are showing quite positive numbers, some experts and specialists state that this field needs further research to determine the extent to which the web is likely to promote long term changes in the retail sector . Table 1 A classification of online retail activit 1 Food and consumables: Grocery, including supermarkets and hyper-markets 2 Convenience stores 3 Specialists food retailers, e.g. bakers and confectioners 4 Alcohol retailers, including off-licences 5 Clothing and accessories: Clothing retailers, including female, male and children 6 Footwear retailers, including fashion and work wear 7 Jewellery retailers, including accessories 8 Home: Furnishings retailers, including hard and soft furnishings and Textiles 9 Electrical goods, including brown and white goods and Computers 10 DIY, including gardening 11 Leisure and entertainment: Sports retailers, including sportswear and equipment 12 Toys retailers, including games, hobbies and crafts 13 Books, music, stationery and video retailers 14 News, including newsagents and CTNs 15 Health and beauty: Health and beauty, including chemists and opticians 16 Home shopping: Home shopping, including catalogues and mail order Directories 17 Mixed stores: Mixed stores, including department stores and variety retailers Source N.F. Doherty, F. Ellis-Chadwick and C.A. Hart. 1999 .Cyber retailing in the UK: the potential of the Internet as a retail channel Online Grocery UK Market In the UK online market there are four main grocery retailers dominating the market those are (Tesco, J Sainsbury, Asda, and According to the researchers the UK leads the world in online grocery shopping. â€Å"Chains like Tesco and Iceland have been much faster than their US counterparts in exploiting the immense potential of new virtual shopping markets.†They estimate that the online grocery market is already worth à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½200m a year and will reach à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1bn within two years.(Guardian Friday February 4, 2000 ) The online grocery market is characterised by many of the features of the traditional grocery market. Big supermarkets have woken up to the Internet as a distribution channel and are gearing up to dominate the market. Smaller suppliers, using the Web as another side of their portfolio, are sure to lose out in this area. Smaller niche suppliers make up a large element of the market in terms of numbers of firms. In fact, there are so many companies, many of which operate on a very local delivery basis, that it is almost impossible to calculate their actual number. MARKET SIZE Online shopping grew 19 times faster than traditional brick-and-mortar retailing in December 2002, and increased a further five percent in January 2003 to represent six percent of all UK retail .( Various reported predictions suggest the online grocery market will be worth around up to 10 % of 120 billion which is the predicted grocery market size by 2005 (MINTEL Nov, 2000) The current size of the UK online grocery market has been estimated to be worth à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.2bn. (Key Note 2001), while Tesco reported 446 million sales during 2003. Sainsbury's the second market leader announced annual sales of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½110 million during 2002 (MINTEL Mar 2003) More than half the UK population will have bought something online by the end of 2003. Online shopping will represent 7% of all retail sales in the UK, accounting for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2 billion a month.(MINTEL Apr 2003) The total size of the UK grocery market has been estimated at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100bn per year. To support the market, the UK has 5.9 million online shoppers, growing to a predicted 8.5 million over the next 5 years à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500m of turnover, that suggests that average spending per user in 2000 was in the region of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½83 per head, suggesting that the Majority of users are not regular consumers of online services.(Key Note) Market size is difficult to determine, as figures for turnover from Internet sales are often included in total sales figures. Companies that are struggling to perform in the market may be taking a rather flexible view in how they present figures that may disappoint shareholders. However, Key Note's assessment is that the size of the true online market is currently à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½465m (lower than many estimates suggest). Within this, Tesco claims 64.5% of the market, Sainsbury's 9%, ASDA 7.5%, Iceland 4.7%, , with the balance held by a range of independents, small suppliers and niche companies. Table:2 The UK Online Grocery Market by Online Sales by Supermarket (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m and %), 2000 Online Sales (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m) % of Total Tesco 300 64.5 J Sainsbury 42 9.0 ASDA Wal-Mart 35 7.5 22 4.7 Others 66 14.2 Total 465 100.0 Source: Key Note Macro Environment To understand the macro-environment a technique called a PEST (Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, and Technological) analysis is usually undertaken. The PEST analysis identifies all external factors that affect the way a business can operate. What follows is a PEST for the E-grocery industry PEST ANALYSIS POLITICAL FACTORS The UK government sets itself as the target of making the UK the world's best place for e-commerce by developing public internet access and e-commerce awareness among UK businesses To trade in the UK there are 40 different laws that a company may be subject to (chaffey) Stephen Timms, e-commerce Minister, said: â€Å"The UK's retailers are making progress in adopting e-commerce and developing e-business solutions. But there clearly is room for improvement, and we cannot afford to be complacent. â€Å"E-business technologies offer a wealth of benefits. In order to exploit these we must help create the right culture throughout the business community so that UK firms of all sizes can seize the competitive advantage. â€Å"UK online for business is leading the way in getting business online, and the Government's aim to make the UK the best place in the world for e-commerce.†( The first Annual Report on the strategy was launched in September 2000. The UK strategy for online development is laid down in the UK Online Action Plan, which details 94 recommendations for action in 25 areas of priority. One specific goal is to develop the UK as the world's best environment for electronic trading by 2002. This, it is stated, will be achieved in four specific ways: * Encouraging competition in Internet access markets * Establishing a new regulatory framework for converging telecommunications and broadcasting markets * removing regulatory obstacles to electronic ways of working * Co-operating with international partners to develop a ‘global framework for e-commerce'. Oftel (Office of Telecommunications) is one of the tools for achieving this strategy, and, as such, has been charged with driving competition in the areas of dial-up access and delivering high-speed access routes to the Internet , specifically the encouragement of adoption of Broadband technology, and NPD (new product development) in the mobile-phone and fixed-wireless markets. Government strategy is to put as many UK consumers as possible online. Those responsible for driving this strategy are aware of consumer concerns about the Internet that must be addressed if the Government's objective is to be secured.(Key Note) ECONOMICAL FACTORS The innovation in information technology (IT) and new business practices facilitated by IT are forming a â€Å"new†economy, Electronic commerce and the IT innovations fuelling it are supposed to be fundamentally changing the logics of business practice, forming new social realities, and new business models. Traditional â€Å"old economy†firms and organizations are busy building bridges to the new economy. A stable rate of economic growth is one way in which the Government hopes to guarantee macro-economic stability, which can assist firms when assessing the risks associated with innovative practices. This, combined with the factors outlined below, has an influential effect on the rate of growth of the online grocery market. Low Cost of Internet Access One of the main drivers encouraging the use of Internet access and e-grocery in the UK is the relatively low cost of time spent online. The UK is the cheapest off-peak location in the world from which to surf the Internet, peak rates have has been dropped. This advantageous position benefits consumers, and the state of competition within the market is strong, with a large number of good quality Internet service providers (ISPs) available and eager to serve the public demand. Levels of Disposable Income The greater the levels of PDI consumers have, the more likely they are to be tempted towards higher margin products. Such high-margin products can make the difference between a profitable online transaction and a loss-making one. Table: 3 Index of Personal Disposable Income (1995=100 and %), 1995-2001 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Disposable Income index 100 106 113 116 122 127 132 % change Year-on-year – 6.0 6.6 2.7 5.2 4.1 3.9 Source:National Statistics Table 3 shows that levels of disposable income are rising, and have risen by 32% since 1995. The indications are that the upward trend will continue to apply, suggesting that this economic indicator will contribute to growth within the market in the short term. Rate of Change of Prices The change of prices gives a good sign of the stability of the economy. The UK has a low rate of inflation, and this is confirmed by an assessment of the RPI in Table 4 Table 4: Retail Price Index for All Items and Food(1995 =100 and %), 1995-2000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 RPI (all items) 149.1 152.7 157.7 162.9 165.4 170.0 % change Year-on-year _ 2.4 3.3 3.3 1.5 2.8 RPI (food) 151.4 154.9 160.5 166.5 169.4 175.2 % change Year-on-year – 2.3 3.6 3.7 1.7 3.4 RPI – retail price index Source: National Statistics It can be seen from Table: 4 that the rate of change in the price of food between 1995 and 2000 has been roughly in line with the general rate of change in the RPI. Similarly European Currency and Simplification O European Trading Laws The advance of the European currency and the simplification of European trading laws will mean that Consumers will find it increasingly easy to trade with European retailers. The Internet offers International retailers a great opportunity to attack the UK marketplace. British shoppers are already prepared to go Euro to get what they want online. â€Å"Big brand names are in the best position to immediately exploit e-commerce but if they don't start moving soon the threat from foreign competition is real.†(Jolanta Pilecka, E-commerce Marketing Manager, Hewlett-Packard). In future a number of important factors might affect the economic state of the UK and inevitably supermarkets. The first is the possible introduction of the Euro. The Euro has been introduced in various European countries, but most notably France. The introduction of the Euro in France has pushed up weekly shopping bills for the average French household by 10 per cent. Could the same be expected to happen in Britain should the Euro SOCIAL FACTORS To know the barriers to consumer online purchasing adoption it is useful to understand the different factors that affect the level of internet access. Value proposition ease, Security and fear of unknown are the main factors affecting the internet adoption (Chaffey) Over the period July to September 2002 an estimated 11.4 million households in the UK could access the internet from home, that amount 46 percent of all households. This is over twice the number three years earlier and is an increase of 7 percent from 39 percent reported in the third quarter of 2001. ( ) Evidence suggests that household formation will continue to grow, but that the profile of home size as mentioned at the first of this paper will stay strongly biased towards homes with one or two people. Table 5: Changing Household Numbers in the UK (million and %), 2000 and 2005 2000 2005 Million % of Total Million % of Total One person 7.3 29.1 8.0 31.1 Two persons 8.9 35.5 9.0 35.0 Three persons 3.7 14.7 3.5 13.6 Four persons 3.5 13.9 3.5 13.6 Five or more persons 1.7 6.8 1.7 6.6 All households 25.1 100.0 25.7 100.0 Source:National Statistics An estimated 62 %of adult in the Great Britain have accessed the internet some time according to figures from the October 2002 national omnibus survey. This is equivalent to approximately 28.6 million adults in Britain having accessed the internet. In the month prior to the survey 52 per cent of adults had accessed the internet. Differences between the countries and regions of the UK Levels of access vary greatly between different parts of the UK. In October 2001 to September 2002 the proportion of households with access was lowest in Northern Ireland (30%), Wales (31%) and the West midlands (34%). It is noticeable that the proportions were highest in the East of England (52%), London (50%) and the South East (50%) were around half of households had access to the internet. Table:6 Households with home access to the Internet by Government Office Region & UK country: October 2000 to September 2001 and October 2001 to September 2002 Oct 2000 Oct 2001 to to Sep 2001 Sep 2002 Per cent North East 26 36 North West 35 41 Yorkshire and the Humber 32 39 East Midlands 40 46 West Midlands 35 34 East 40 52 London 46 50 South East 46 50 South West 38 41 England 39 44 Wales 27 31 Scotland 30 40 Northern Ireland 26 30 United Kingdom 37 43 Source: national statistics According to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ( ) it is shown that in the UK 36.62 per 100 own a PC Table 7: Internet Estimated PCs Hosts total 2002 Hosts per 10`000 inhab. 2002 Users (k) 2002 Users per 10`000 inhab. 2002 Total (k) 2002 Per100 Inhab. 2002 2`865`930 485.03 24`000.0 4`061.74 22,00 36.62 table 7 , shows that a large proportion of the UK population own a PC that makes accessing the internet easer than going to the work place or other places Legal and ethical concerns It is argued that people do not change as quickly as may be believed. They still do not like parting with personal details, especially to those that they do not trust. Firms that request data from consumers need to make supplying information optional and allow users to change and delete the information provided. Crucially, they need to convince consumers that they will treat all information confidentially. Firms that are recognised as ‘good citizens' and with a high reputation in this regard are well placed to ease the anxieties of consumers scared of fraudulent use of details. Smaller companies with an Internet-only presence will find it hard to build up this trust. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS E-retailing can be seen as an innovation in retailing that in turn is built around a technological innovation Many reports have summarized technological problems as: The complexity of the user interface bandwidth restrictions and access connection speeds and security concerns A wide range of new technologies have enabled companies to create better and more efficient relationships with consumers as e-retailers: – provide more information in the pre-shop experience; – increase the number of access points to meet customers needs; – offer a wider choice of products than can be held in-store; and, – improve the overall service provision, for example through better stock management. Technological breakthroughs are some of the key drivers in building the right conditions for online grocery to thrive. The main technological factors influencing the market include: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ The expansion of broadband Internet à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ The introduction and growth of DTV (digital television) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ M-commerce (mobile-commerce) and WAP (wireless application protocol) phones à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Automated reordering systems à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Systems offering defence against fraud à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Automated customer service. (Key Note 2001) Broadband Internet One of the problems many consumers have when dealing with the Internet is the speed of access. Many consumers connect using 56K modems, although the majority never achieve this speed, perhaps because they live a great distance from the central phone-exchange routes or because their phone lines are too old. Broadband connections can alleviate this problem. Broadband connections come in two basic types: digital subscriber line connections (DSL) and cable modem connections In the first quarter of 2001, the number of DSL lines grew by 90% in the UK This market is likely to experience high growth in the coming years.( Digital Television Advancements in television are running parallel to other Internet-enabled technologies 4.4 million households had DTV in 2000, and the figure is now probably in excess of 5 million. Not all DTV services are fully Internet-enabled, but there are plans to achieve this. The growth rate in subscription to DTV services is believed to be higher than the rate of new subscribers to ISPs. It has been suggested that more than 45% of homes will have digital satellite TV by 2008 (generating revenues for the communications companies of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.4bn per year). One of the major barriers to e-grocers is the high costs charged to the suppliers by the DTV companies. Tesco reported to have found Open Digital's charges too expensive to make a venture worthwhile, however, the majority of the large supermarkets are signing up to the service may have very severe consequences in the long term. M-Commerce and WAP Phones M-commerce for all markets in Europe is forecast to reach levels of around $38bn by 2004.(Key Note) with over half of European companies planning to offer some form of service via mobile phones (particularly in the banking and service sectors). Major multiples are increasingly active in the service sector, and their online successes in other areas could well spill over into m-commerce activities, Mobile communications company Ericsson has estimated that, by 2004, there will be more than 600 million people using mobile Internet services in Europe. In 2000, the market for subscriptions to mobile-phone services grew by 67% and by 84% in 2002 .( ) However, WAP phones, currently the only method of accessing Internet via a mobile, have been relatively slow to catch on in Europe and make up only 15% of overall handset sales globally. Automated Re-ordering Systems All the technologies so far discussed require a conscious effort on the behalf of the consumer. In the future, it is possible that automated re-ordering systems will mean that the retailer is automatically notified when products are being used up within the home and need replenishing. There are two enabling technologies currently under development that may make this less fictional and more everyday. Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is one of these technologies. Another enabling technology in the same area is radio frequency identification technology, also known as RFID. This improves on VMI by using radio waves to scan all products in the fridge at any one time. Those kinds of technologies build and grow up the relationship between the consumer and the supplier learns more about the consumer behaviour to satisfy his demand Also they can create a competitive advantage for the business Systems Offering Defence Against Fraud Concern over fraud continues to scare many consumers away from using the Internet as a route for purchasing items and services. Credit-card companies are already making changes to their services to ease these concerns, but longer-term solutions may be found in encryption technology. Technology is being developed that adds digital signatures to a purchaser's Web browser which may help fight fraud. Such services can only be developed and provided by strategic partnerships between online retailers and Web security corporations such as Inktomi, Ariba, Broadvision, Vignette and Verisign (all leaders in secure-payment processing solutions). INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT Porter's 5 forces analysis Michael Porter's five forces is The model that widely used for competition analysis in business strategy formulation, states that an organisation exists within an industry. To succeed it must deal with the competitive forces that exist within that industry: (1) Entry of new competition. (2) Threat of substitute products. (3) Bargaining power of buyers. (4) Bargaining power of suppliers. (5) Rivalry amongst existing competitors. THE GROCERY E-TAILING MARRET As an industry in the early stages of its life cycle, the online grocery market is currently very fragmented, with a growing number of competitors. The reasons for this fragmentation lie in several factors: relatively low entry barriers, high transportation costs, the perish ability of grocery items, nontradable goods and services industry, and the ability to specialize in geographic regions and reap the benefits of economies of scale. Much like traditional bricks-and-mortar supermarkets, online grocers are highly localized except for a few that operate nationally or internationally by delivering only non-perishable goods. (Success factors) Barrier to entry Compared to building traditional supermarkets, the barriers to entry in the online grocery market are relatively low, since most online grocers are localized. Set-up costs include establishing the computer system, creating logistics and warehousing capabilities, building brand awareness, and having the necessary alliances with local grocers in place. Many online grocers have already established partnerships or alliances. Entry into the industry is currently relatively easy, because no one has inherent advantages. Innovation and competitive moves, which can be easily replicated, have not prevented new firms or substitutes from entering the market. However, entry barriers may rise in the future as consolidation likely occurs. Market such as groceries, barriers must be built on differentiation through brand recognition by achieving superior customer service and responsiveness. One attraction for the recent surge of Internet startups in the grocery business is that online grocers require less capital and have lower variable costs than bricks-and-mortar stores. Fixed costs are high, but the potential for big returns is great if a large sales volume can be generated. Exit barriers can be moderate to high, depending on the amount invested in logistics and warehousing, the Web site, computer systems, and marketing. PPOWER OF SUPPLIERS Retailers have high bargaining power when they purchase a large volume of goods from their suppliers. Unlike huge supermarket chains, the smaller online grocers typically possess a lower level of bargaining power than their suppliers. But traditional grocers that decide to branch out onto the Net have the advantage in this regard, buying in bulk and enjoying established relationships with suppliers and customers. This allows them to price their goods competitively, deterring new entrants or forcing inefficient incumbents out. POWER OF BUYERS The bargaining power of buyers or consumers is very high in this industry. With many substitutes and competitors to choose from, dissatisfied customers can simply switch to a competitor. Groceries are commodities, so consumers can be sure to purchase the exact same products elsewhere. THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS The threat of substitutes is undoubtedly high for two reasons: Firstly, the products and services offered online to customers are extremely similar. So similar in fact that supermarket' often have to lower their prices to give them more appeal. Secondly although there is a certain degree of brand loyalty, it can't be relied on, as customer loyalties tend to change when they find they can obtain better value for money elsewhere. E-grocers understand that the threat of substitutes is high, and this then is the main reason for supermarkets branching out and pursuing a broader product line, as a means of calming the intense competition with their competitors. However, in pursuing broader product line grocers open themselves up for further competition from experienced players in other non food retail markets. RIVALRY AMONGST EXISTING COMPETITORS Competitors will do everything in their power to increase their market share. Supermarkets also have high fixed costs due to the sheer number of stores they have open. They must make a sufficient amount of sales to cover their costs and generate profit. As discussed earlier there are a variety of substitute products and services that are becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate thus custom is very much determined by price. This situation is further aggravated because switching costs are difficult to impose, as food is an everyday necessity, many customers will happily forget any loyalties if they really need to obtain it. Conclusion The environment in the online grocery industry is growing more and more competitive as new firms continue to enter. Grocers which established its online purchasing site first is gaining the benefits of the first-mover advantages such as E-grocery has become a considerable industry sector each main player in this industry is trying to create a competitive advantage to attract more numbers of spoiled customers trying to satisfy there demands. The UK e-environment is one of the best e-environments globally that ease the entrance to this industry and generate the potential for more and more customers to buy grocery on line. This industry sector is a quite new industry that makes the flow of information about its success and pitfall factors relatively not enough to know every factor influences this industry We can't say that e-grocery sector has reached the mature level since there are more and more numbers of customers and rivals are entering this sector.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Conrad Black trial Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conrad Black trial - Assignment Example ted that was initiated by his company’s shareholders and was later sentenced for a period of over six years for conducting fraudulent and justice obstruction. Jack Boultbee held the position of CFO (Chief Financial Officer) with the newspaper publish company named Hollinger and was trustworthy companion of Conrad Black and remained with him for over a period of 20 years. He even owned 0.68% of the shares of the Hollinger organization and was one of the convicted members of the Conrad Black trial which was started by the shareholders of the company. He was asked to leave the company but he never accepted to leave his position and later he was fired during the period of 2003. In the Conrad Trial, his lawyers never accepted the charges that were levied against him. Peter Atkinson is recognized for being a general counsel with the newspaper publishing company named Hollinger and had the responsibility of keeping a check on the legal affairs of the organization. He was born and brought up in a small town in the region of North Toronto and started his career as a worker with a factory along with a grocery store and later he financed himself to complete his law education. He became a part of the Hollinger organization during 1996 after providing legal services at a Canada based law organization for over a period of twenty years. In the Conrad trial he was held responsible for assisting his bosses of Hollinger in committing fraud. Mark Kipnis is recognized for being an in-house lawyer of the Hollinger firm and had the responsibility of signing documents that were detailed in nature and he even signed several of the deals that ended up being controversial and litigated. He was not held responsible for sharing the profits that the organization earned through their illegal activity but was held responsible for accepting a bonus of $150,000 to keep his mouth shut for the illegal activities (CBC News 1). He is a married man and has four children to his name. His lawyers
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Contributions of Steve Jobs in the Business Field Research Paper
Contributions of Steve Jobs in the Business Field - Research Paper Example As a result, he has influenced many companies and business people as well as young entrepreneurs all over the world. He had a winning personal character that enabled him to achieve whatever he wanted. In addition, he was able to lead and manage his company with competency, which allowed him to be among the most successful Chief Executive Officers. Moreover, Jobs had a way of winning the confidence of customers and offer them satisfaction. He did this by being very innovative and ensuring his company produced new products regularly. This paper will discuss the contributions of Steve Jobs in the business field. It will discuss in detail his management style, innovative mind as well as his character. Introduction On February 24, 1955, two young graduate students gave birth to Steve Jobs in San Francisco. These two unmarried graduate students were an American and a Syrian. Jobs biological parents felt that they were not ready to take responsibility of taking care of the boy. They therefore resolved to put him for adoption. A couple in California, Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve and he considered them as his real and only parents (Gillam, 15). Life in California was not very easy and Steve grew in harsh conditions of lack and hustling. When he was through with his high school education, his parents struggled to raise his school fees. Jobs spent most of his time helping his father in his garage, where he developed affection for machines. Most people considered Steve jobs as a most important figure both in the computer and entertainment sectors. Jobs’ history in business made him to be a triumphant capitalist, highlighting the significance of design while understanding the crucial responsibility of novelty in making information and entertainment products more available in to the public. This means that Steve jobs contributed or played a major role in the business sector (Gershon, 366). In the late 1970s, both the electronic and the automobile industries in the United States were getting stiff competition from foreign companies. It was normal for the Americans to expect their businesses to flourish and prosper. Therefore, word spread all over the country regarding the college dropouts who fashioned the personal computer in a garage and established a fun, new company. Exaggerations of the story went on until Jobs grew in to a hero and became a computer whiz kid. This shows how Steve Jobs contributed to computer education hence making most people in the world to become computer literate (Aaseng, 118). Personal characters that made Jobs become a successful entrepreneur Many people deem that the character of Jobs was very contradicting. This is because on the positive side they see Jobs as a motivating and visionary person, who would not settle until he fulfills his dreams and visions. On the other hand, there are those who see him as a hard, aggressive and stern person, who rebukes his employees and overwork them. However, even though Jobs had a contradicting personality, this very personality triggered his outstanding success and made him a strong entrepreneur (Griffin, 430). While the CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs developed a strong character in sales and marketing that helped in successfully marketing the products of Apple. In addition, the visionary aspect of Jobs helped the world to develop a new understanding of the use of computers. In the past, it is evident that there was a common assert ion that the only people to use computers were professionals especially in data centers. As a result of this imitative, Jobs was able to sell make the public aware that computers have multiple uses. This regard, he influenced the business community by encouraging many prospective entrepreneurs to
Analyze Text from New Testament Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analyze Text from New Testament - Essay Example Applied at a wider scale of religious purview, the troubles of life are often compared to the storms of a sea that can arrive without prior awareness and indicate certain doom. A storm represents various difficulties that individuals are facing in their daily life. In such a situation, the storm seems no less than an evil and its short but significant battle with Jesus portraying a ‘combat myth’, to that of the ‘cosmic battle’ between good and bad – God and Satan. Nonetheless, such situations help an individual to increase faith in God, which further indicates ‘dualism’ signifying both good and bad. Correspondingly, religious implications of this text are undoubtedly important in the life of any individual (Bible Gateway, 1989). The trip across the sea represents a classroom where Jesus teaches a lesson on faith to His disciples. Jesus suggests to His followers to move from one corner of the sea to the opposite shore. This particular text in Mark signifies the eternal emphasis of Christianity on the importance of Faith, especially when considering the cosmic battle of the Evil and the God. As per the religious belief persistent, Evil is always in an attempt to influence the followers of God and distract them from their devised path of rightness, morality and eternal peace. It is likely that evil shall win if the followers lack faith in God that He would protect them even if He were asleep with closed eyes and rested hands on a cushion. Followers need to believe that they are in safe hands, provided they offer themselves to the God with all their soul and have trust in Him. It is thus that Jesus said, â€Å"Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith†(Harland, 2006). The text also suffices another key belief of Christianity that evil can bear any face or identification. It is its intention to destruct what has been created by God, which can only help to identify the evil. Even in this text, Mark indicates Satan in the face of
Monday, August 26, 2019
How does hip hop articulate black marginality in ways that are both Essay
How does hip hop articulate black marginality in ways that are both new to the contemporary city and consistent with African Ame - Essay Example To decode, audience members resort to values, norms and beliefs – root metaphors – tat they, the audience, and hold in order to make sense of the information communicated and their response is not only based on the intent of the communicator but also on the values in which the audience have also been socialised, (Hill, Simona, and Ramsaran, 2009, p. 17) The notion of bardic television is adapted and applied to the entire media hence the framing of the natural order of things in the world by providing a set of images so the audience members can locate themselves in the social stratification system. This is made so by providing justifications for the system of inequality, and by perpetuating images that reinforces the dominant culture/ideology while the exploration of the issues of race, class and gender is rooted in the historical development of the society. It considers the values and images that are important for the contemporary social stratification. Hiphop as well a s the media play a role in the reinforcement of these images that result in the perpetuation of the poser of the privileged. Many of the images that have been brought into the mainstream reinforce the old controlling images of minorities, women and the poor thus serving to perpetuate the system of domination and it fits well into the overall colour-blind ideology promoted to justify contemporary notions such as discrimination and inequality. In the 1980s, cultural and commercial forces united to forge an enduring place for hip hop within the African American popular culture as Tricia Rose (1994) argues that this point effectively as she observes that at the beginning of the urban hip hop, the rap stories continue to articulate the shifting terms of the black marginality in the contemporary American culture. On the one hand, some aspects of hip hop culture can challenge some marginalised ideologies such as racism and sexist stereotypes; however, those images sold by corporate America in hip hop culture increasingly reinforce many of the fundamental factors that further the entrenchment of marginality in America. The contradictory nature of the black male image that is brought into the mainstream culture by the highly commercialised hiphop culture challenges the system of traditions that were associated with racism, polite brutality and poverty while at the same time articulate the contemporary hegemonic values of the oversexed, violent black male. The very images that are now brought into the mainstream about black men can be traced to the ancient forged realities of the North American slavery periods. Black males are portrayed as violent, a threat to the society, and having an uncontrolled appetite for sex particularly with white women as the gangster and thug life perpetuated by the hip hop culture serves to portray those negative stereotypes of black males and despite the negative social impact, contemporary capitalism, with the use of the media, can market dimensions of thug life associated with the gear and mannerisms to suburban white youth for profit so that the youth can experience the other digitally. The performance of the rap artists becomes a vicarious and demonstrative event that captures supposed reality and reinforces
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Australian Social Justice Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Australian Social Justice Reflections - Essay Example 28). A number of possible factors influence these statistics. Possibly the catalyst for the further issues, especially in regards to social justice, is the racist sentiment towards indigenous people that has haunted Australia since its earliest settlement. This sentiment has shaped policies which have severely restricted the basic rights of many of Australia’s indigenous people. An example is the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007, which restricted access to such things as liquor and pornography for indigenous people throughout the territory (Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007). Though these may seem trivial, they merit note for the simple fact that it is only indigenous people who are restricted access from these things, whereas non-indigenous Australians enjoy no restrictions. Furthermore, a theory that has existed in Australia since well-before the Royal Commission of 1987-1991, is that law enforcement refuses to give indigenous peo ple the benefit of the doubt – due to historical and social prejudices and fears, and will arrest Aboriginal Australians for relatively minor offences, hardly meriting arrest. Such a theory implies that indigenous people are treated differently – unequally - from non-indigenous Australians. ... Indeed, there always are two sides to any issue. One of the best examples is that of opportunity of employment, of which the Aboriginal population is deficient. Elements of the community criticize the fact that the average income of an indigenous person is 62% of that of a non-indigenous person; yet, the community as a whole is evolving only slowly in regards to offering that desired opportunity of employment (A statistical overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia, 2008, s. 6). To level the field, and truly equalize all strata of society – including indigenous Australians – a true upheaval is needed. However, this is not something that simply can be accomplished with the introduction of new legislation. The process must be a gradual one, aimed at eliminating old prejudices and introducing new ideals. Sources: Joudo, J & Curnow, J 2006, Deaths in custody in Australia: National Deaths in Custody Program Annual report 2006, Australian Institute of Criminology, viewed 11 March 2011, Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 (Cwlth) A statistical overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia 2008, Australian Human Rights Commission, viewed 11 March 2011, Links used (won’t be included in sources/bibliography): (p.28) (6) Part A – Article 2 – The political response to a social justice issue or some form of anti-social
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Impacts of Globalization on Apple Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Impacts of Globalization on Apple Inc - Essay Example One of the most successfully recognized global organizations that recognized the relevance of globalization is Apple Inc. In this regard, the current research aims to examine the actual and potential impacts of globalization on the organization through a comprehensive examination of the factors that led to the decision. The discourse would hereby be structured through providing the relevant theoretical framework for the globalization, prior to delving into the corporate background and profile of Apple Inc. Subsequently, the impact of globalization would be expounded as applied by Apple in terms of presenting the changes it made on the organization’s market share, competition, and the strategies designed and implemented for globalization efforts to succeed. Globalization As emphasized by Riggs (2000), the concept of globalization has been studied to reveal that it has many meanings and dimensions. Figure 1: Globalization has Many Meanings Source: Riggs 1998, 2 Business practiti oners could simply attempt define globalization as a process of expanding operations abroad. However, like the evolution in contemporary organizations’ structure, the concept and definition of globalization goes beyond the traditional view of doing business in another country or beyond international waters. In a study conducted by Al-Rodhan (2006), globalization was intricately defined as â€Å"a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities†(Al-Rodhan 2006, 2). By transnational, Lee Iwan, a professional with extensive cultural and international experiences described its meaning as corporations that â€Å"have invested in foreign operations, have a central corporate facility but give decision-making, R&D and marketing powers to each individual foreign market†(Iwan 2007, 1). As indicated by Riggs (2000) on his key concepts of globalization, the dimensions of globali zation are: â€Å"Economics: globalization = trade, money, corporations, banking, capital Political science: globalization = governance, war, peace, IGOs, NGOs, regimes Sociology: globalization = communities, conflict, classes, nations, agreements Psychology: globalization = individuals as subjects and objects of global action Anthropology: globalizaton = cultures overlapping, adapting, clashing, merging Communications: globalization = information as knowledge and tools -- INTERNET Geography: globalization = everything, provided it can be anchored in space†(Riggs: Dimensions, 1998, par. 2). Figure 2: Dimensions of Globalization Source: Riggs, 1998, p. 5 These dimensions were validated by Al-Rodhan (2006) when he emphasized that â€Å"globalization involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations, and discourses
Friday, August 23, 2019
Terrorism and the Media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Terrorism and the Media - Assignment Example However, research continues to show that as much as the enlightening of people on the happenings with regard to matters terrorism continues to influence people psychologically. Debates on whether such news ought not to transmitted have been held with controversy looming on the possibility of rights of citizens with regards to freedom of speech, as well as, freedom of information as exercised by broadcasting houses arising (Hoffman, 2006). A thorough analysis on the issue of broadcasting terrorist activities and successes and the psychological impacts they hold on various groups of people will be discussed borrowing from credible scholarly journals and articles. Also, the issue of whether it is reasonable to limit broadcasting the same will be visited with the effect the same will have on the freedoms of information and of speech as provided for in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The war on terror that started in the year 2001 has since an increase in terrorism attack. By and large, there is a correlation between transmitting news about terrorism and the happening of terrorism. As such, it should be noted that the continual broadcasting of terrorism and the successes that follow have instigated a feeling of the terrorism group to continue with their unfortunate activities considering that many people are excited by the happenings of the same. There have been arguments that the broadcasting of terrorism news has had a positive impact on various groups of people which are contrary to the belief that the broadcasting of the same will lead to psychological torture (Pape, 2008). Truth be told, there are many atrocities that are placed on media that are damaging terrorism being one of them. Considering that thousands of people across the world are affected directly or indirectly is a major cause of concern. Psychologists have noted that Americans and other people from areas affected
Thursday, August 22, 2019
4 Points of Winning Essay Example for Free
4 Points of Winning Essay Let’s start with â€Å"First is prayer.†Nothing is as strong as correct prayer. This is faith of â€Å"no prayer will go unanswered.†This is the Mystic Law of â€Å"no strategy can match the strategy of the Lotus Sutra.†In any struggle, everything begins with prayer. And it is vital to always continue praying. We have to pray right through any difficulty we encounter. The Mystic Law is the fundamental principle of the universe. The prayers of a person who chants, practices and struggles for the Mystic Law, which is of such supreme importance, will be perfectly in synch with the fundamental rhythm of the universe. Accordingly, no prayer by such a person will go unanswered. The benevolent deities, the Buddhas and bodhisattvas will all extend their protection without fail. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay The important thing is prayer for kosen-rufu. In other words, it is prayer based on a vow for the protection and the powerful flourishing of the Soka Gakkai that is advancing kosen-rufu. It is prayer with the spirit â€Å"Buddhism is victory or defeat†to show actual proof of the greatness of the Mystic Law in our life. The prayers of a votary of the Lotus Sutra will be answered without fail. No matter what might happen, a person of powerful prayer will be able to change poison into medicine. Such a person has absolutely nothing to fear. Just how immense is the power of daimoku? It is the ultimate power to move the universe. The rhythm of daimoku resounds throughout the universe while activating the Buddha nature in our life. Those who sonorously chant daimoku change the life of one friend after another and cause their communities, society and the world to move toward peace and prosperity, while causing their own life force to abundantly well forth. What is the secret to causing an organization to develop? It is the determination of the central figure. It is to always live out one’s life together with the Soka Gakkai based on the spirit of mentor and disciple. Also, earnestness and action are very important. An organization in which the leaders pray and take action with all their might will thrive. By contrast, an organization whose central figure is arrogant toward those within and never ventures outside will not develop. We need to take the initiative in meeting with others. We need to build new friendships. We have to proudly tell people about the greatness of the Soka Gakkai and the wonder of mentor and disciple. It is this that will open a new age. When the central figure really fights hard and leads a fulfilling life each day, this vitality will be transmitted to others, and everyone will become happy. An organization ultimately depends on the central figure. I would like to reiterate this point. Of course, someone who understands being â€Å"earnest†to mean always wearing a fierce expression will only drive people away. While stoking a fighting spirit in our heart, when meeting friends we should put on a bright smile and offer warm encouragement. At any rate, faith is â€Å"action for becoming happy.†The life of Buddhism always exists within action. The second of the four principles for absolute victory is action. Without action, Buddhism could not exist. To what extent has one taken action for kosen-rufu? This is the true expression of one’s faith. It’s not a matter of organizational position or standing. It could be said that the strength or weakness of a person’s faith directly manifests in their actions. Those who take action for kosen-rufu are most noble. Leaders absolutely must never forget the importance of such individuals. I only believe in action. Rather, I cannot believe anything except action. Why is the world of Buddhism beautiful, profound and strong? It is because it contains the supreme unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind.†Unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind†is the third of the four principles for absolute victory. It could be said that such unity is truly the secret to achieving kosen-rufu. An organization possessing unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind†is sure to develop. By contrast, an organization of â€Å"one in body, many in mind†or â€Å"many in body, many in mind†is sure to decline. The statement, â€Å"If the spirit of many in body but one in mind prevails among the people, they will achieve all their goals†(WND-1, 618), is a great principle that must never be forgotten. It is eternal guideline. It is certainly no exaggeration to say that our victory or defeat will depend entirely on whether we can construct an organization of with unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind.†Kosen-rufu is a battle against devilish forces. Even a great castle will be taken by enemies if it has an area that is unguarded or that is weak. If there are people of â€Å"many in body, many in mind†within the castle, then devils will be able to cause disruptions in the castle that much more easily. In unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind,†there is no such thing as one person being above or below another. It is not a matter of our being â€Å"one in body.†We’re â€Å"different in body.†While treasuring the individuality and unique characteristics of each person, we need to equally pool our energies with a spirit of â€Å"one in mind.†There is a vital point for strengthening unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind.†Namely: activities whereby â€Å"persons inside the castle destroy the castle from within†cannot be allowed. We have to steadfastly battle people of â€Å"many in body, many in mind,†who are parasites in the lion’s bowels, and completely remove the roots of this devilish tendency. President Toda strictly decreed: â€Å"If a leader forgets kosen-rufu and tries to create a personal clique out of concern for personal fame and fortune, then the other leaders must unite in firmly driving away such a selfish and egoistic person.†This harmonious unity of the Soka Gakkai, which President Toda declared to be more important than his own life, must be protected for all eternity. I would like to assert that this is the pulse of kosen-rufu. What is the most essential thing for advancing in unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind†? It is to live out one’s life in unity with the mentor. Oneness of mentor and disciple is the imperative that people who are â€Å"different in body†become â€Å"one in mind.†This is the fourth of the four principles for absolute victory. Unity of â€Å"many in body, one in mind†can only be solidified by each person forming a deep resolve to unite in spirit with the mentor and advance kosen-rufu. It is precisely in such unity that the beneficial power of the Mystic Law becomes clearly manifest. Oneness of mentor and disciple is foundation that determines our attainment of Buddhahood. The great path of perpetuating kosen-rufu lies precisely in advancing in unity with the mentor. That’s because without the pillar of mentor and disciple, we will be readily carried away by our emotions, and swept along by the conditions of the times. Without mentor and disciple, we would be easily defeated when confronted by devils. It is now 50 years since President Toda passed away. I am confident that as President Toda’s disciple I have been able to establish a model of the path of a disciple, the path of a successor, and the path of oneness that will shine free of any blemish for ten thousand years.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Social Psychology Essay Example for Free
Social Psychology Essay Now imagine that you are a social psychologist, for this assignment you must use social concepts learned in this chapter to explain some of the strange, terrible, and outrageous things that people do to each other. Read the following stories and respond to the questions with complete sentences that are free of spelling and grammatical errors. All of the following are based on a real-life story reported in the press!!!! CAN YOU MAKE FAT DISAPPEAR?     (Adapted from: Newsweek, March 2, 1992, p. 69)     The cosmetic companies made an estimated $50 million by selling anticellulite creams to women. However, research by respected dermatologists show that anticellulite creams are totally worthless in eliminating cellulite, which is really little pockets of fat. With these negative findings in mind, how does the cosmetics industry persuade American women to spend $50 million a year on anticellulite creams that dermatologists claim are worthless? The cosmetics companies use very clever advertising. They show photos of beautiful women along with promises that anticellulite creams will wash away unsightly ripples, create a new you, and give you the beautiful body you always wanted. Question1: What are the four elements of persuasion? Identify the four elements using the above scenario.            Persuasion, to be effective, has to possess the four elements namely: meaningful, relevant, challenging and actionable. â€Å"Anticellulite creams†, the product introduced in the market is in itself very meaningful to women in order to stay attractive. It is relevant to the need and current trend, which is reducing fats that could affect the attractiveness of a woman. Its introduction in the market is likewise, challenging because its effectiveness is being challenged by some respected dermatologists that made it increase its publicity even more. Lastly, it is actionable because the way its being advertised has hit the weakness of the target market, women, with the use of â€Å"photos of beautiful women along with promises that anticellulite creams will wash away unsightly ripples, create a new you, and give you the beautiful body you always wanted†, a truly perfect way to catch womens attention. Question 2: Why do women continue to buy anticellulite creams when scientists have demonstrated that these creams are worthless?            Despite the claims that â€Å"anticellulite†creams are worthless, they continue to attract women because the way they are being introduced in the market is very persuasive. It possessed the four major elements of persuasion. Moreover, customers are after for the concrete result. Research findings that are often expressed in figures or mere words do not create as much impact as a photo of a beautiful woman, whose face became younger and more attractive after using the product. Customers esily link the beautiful face with the product, thus making it easier to sell. CAN A LABEL FOOL A BEER DRINKER?    (Adapted from: Los Angeles Times, Dec. 30, 1988, p. IV-4)     Last summer, the Coors brewery added only two new words Original Draft to the labels of its best-selling beer. Regular Coors drinkers saw the new label and believed it was a new beer. They complained about the new taste and said they preferred the taste of their old Coors. Suddenly, sales slowed as drinkers refused to buy cans of beer with the two new words. But, Coors had not changed the beer. They had only changed two words on the label. However, the Coors brewery was not about to argue with its loyal customers. Coors removed the two new words from the label. Within weeks, sales rose and the drinkers were happy. Question 1: Can you define one component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?            One component of attitude is cognition which refers to our beliefs, theories, expectancies, cause and effect beliefs, and perceptions relative to the focal object. In the scenario presented above, the focal object was a beer with two new words on the label. Since there was something new on the label, the beer drinkers have automatically expected something new on the product itself, which they claimed to have a different taste than the original. The two new words added on the label have influenced them to believe that there was a change in the formulation or ingredient, causing the perceived change in taste, even if none was really altered from the original fomulation. Question 2: Can you define a second component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?            A second component of attitude that can be found in this example is behavioral intentions, which refers to our goals, aspirations, and our expected responses to the attitude object. The beer drinkers in this example definitely wanted the original label, thus affecting the sales of Coors. Instead of arguing with their loyal customers, Coors resumed to its original label and the response was good because sales started to rise again.  Question 3: Can you define a third component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?            A third component of attitude, which i have also seen in the example presented above is Evaluation. This is said to be the function of cognitive, affect and behavioral intentions of the object. The beer drinkers believed that the beer with a new two words in the label is different from the original best-selling beer of Coors. This belief caused them to describe its taste as different from the original. As a result, sales went down but when the label was restored to the original, even if none was changed in the formualtion, sales rose and the customers became happy again. GIRL RAPED AND CROWDS LOOKS ON?     (Adapted from: San Diego Tribune, July 29, 1983)   After spending the whole day visiting the zoo, 13-year-old Diane decided to cool off in the large pool with a water fountain in the middle. She rolled up her baggy jeans and waded in up to her knees. She wasnt paying much attention to the two older boys who had waded in and were approaching her. When they got close, they grabbed her and pulled her to the middle of the pool. They held her down against the concrete base of the fountain. As the fountain sprayed them with water, the two boys took turns raping Diane. About 35 people who were walking around the fountain heard Dianes screams for help. Not one of them offered to help. Question 1: Can you explain the concept that describes why none of the 35 people did anything to help Diane?            The sad experience of Diane is attributable to what we call in social pschology as the â€Å"bystander effect†. When there is an emergency, the more bystanders there are, the less likely it is that any of them will acually help. The 35 people, though they heard the screams of Diane, did not actually offer help because they assumed that nothing was wrong because nobody else looks concerned. Question 2: Can you explain how the diffusion of responsibility theory describes why 35 people who heard Dianes screams did nothing to help?            Bystanders go through a five-step process and during each of which, they can decide to do nothing. Firstly, they were probably in a hurry to notice the event, thus are unable to help. If they did notice, they assumed that as others are not acting, it is not an emergency, so again no help was offered. Next, they assumed that others will do this, since there are many people around, so no help was offered. Sometimes, bystanders simply do not know what to do out of panicky thus, unable to help lastly, instead of acting on it and help, some worry about the danger and hassle of being involved, thus they pretend to have not known anything about it or pretend that nothing was wrong.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Different approaches to corporate governance
Different approaches to corporate governance Corporate governance is almost frequently viewed as both the construction as well as the rapports which ascertain collective direction as well as functioning. The board of directors are generally fundamental to corporate governance. Its rapport to the former basic players, generally stockholders as well as management, are vital. Other participants admit workforce, consumers, providers, as well as creditors. The corporate governance model besides depends upon the legitimate, regulative, institutional as well as honourable surroundings of the profession. (Dignam, A, 2006) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The full term Corporate Governance isnt easily to specify. The condition governance concerns for a procedure of deciding as well as applying the determinations in the concern of every stakeholders. It essentially associates to growth of corporate functioning as well as ascertains right accountability to direction in the concern of every stakeholder. The Cadbury describe of 1991 on Corporate Governance conceives it as the strategy by which corporates are guided on as well as organized. Corporate governance is the strategy through which organizations are addressed as well as handled. It determines how the aims of the organization are fit as well as accomplished, however danger are supervised as well as evaluated, and how functioning are optimized. (Cadbury, 1991) DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO CORPORATE GOVERNANCE JAPAN Abiding by the 1945 frustration, Japanese zaibatu or organization groupings were broken down, firm has intimately determined by governance. The requirement for japan to regain subsequently the warfare headed to end governance management of firm, by a centre on development in exportations as well as marketplace apportion besides profitableness. Organization boards dont commonly assemble often as well as the organization is generally handled by the chairman as well as his functioning commission, wherever actual authority is practiced along with determinations taken which is entirely hand stamps by a control board. FRANCE A lot of great businesses in French Republic have till lately been operated by governance. A few individual organizations for instance: Renault, Michelin who have an eminent external visibility, but almost of these have trusted on a hard basis of French marketplace abide in decree to go international. Almost French organizations are comprised as well as are handled by general manager who are responsible for stockholders. Greater as well as cited organizations are integrated. GERMANY German corporate governing is rooted in the OECD rules of May 1999, which constituted written for cited organizations in Jan 2000 through the German board on corporate governance. (Adrian Davies, Chapter 2) DIFFERENT TYPES AND COMPARISONS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Board of Directors A board of directors are a corporate governing mechanism which protects the concerns of a organizations stockholders. The board is much responsible in brushing up organization direction as well as taking out persons who do not amend the organizations general fiscal operation. Audits Audits are an autonomous critique of an organizations patronage as well as fiscal functioning. This collective governance ascertains which enterprises or companies adopt domestic accounting principle, rules or different extrinsic guidelines. Audits could besides amend a companys abiding in the organization surroundings. Additional organizations perhaps more amenable to act upon by an organization that is a firm record of functioning. Balance of Power Reconciliation authority in a company ascertains that no individualist has a power to overstrain resourcefulness. Dividing obligations among board members, directors, managers and other persons ascertains that all separate obligations have well reasonably to the company. Making distinct characters besides continue the business adaptable, ascertaining that functional alterations or novel employs could be built without disrupting present functioning. (Adrian Davies) LEADERSHIP Leadership is a procedure for bringing matters executed by folks. The quarterback acts the squad toward a touchdown. The elderly patrol leader directs the group for an eminent evaluation at a camporee. These leaders are bringing work acted through acting by folks. Theyve employed the procedure for leaders to accomplish definite destinations. Leadership isnt a scientific discipline. Therefore representing a leader is a hazard as one could never make certain whether one would accomplish the objective at the least in present time. (Scoutmasters, BSA, 1937) ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT LEADERSHIP Commonly on superior betterment efforts top-ranking leadership establishes transformational conducts that were accompanying winner for those enterprises. Public constitution could be demographic variance among the company or capacities for persons as well as groupings. In leadership literature a few accent inclines to sexuality, as well as employees heterogeneity along with its effect on leaders or execution. No stress inclines to the transformational leaders. Operations admit the manner of governing, Human Resource Management strategies and so forth however procedures themselves are not generally the basic centre for the empiric explore. Almost of the reports in the leadership literature discoursed the consequences of province or stipulate as the contextual inconsistent entirely at the greatest stages of companies as well as hold centred on mass alterations along with crises affecting top management squads, chief executive officer along with Boards of Directors. (Lyman W. Porter, Grace B. McLaughlin; 2006) LEADERSHIP APPROACHES Traits approach Leadership trait hypothesis is the thought that individuals are birthed by convinced quality traits or calibres. As convinced traits are assorted by skilled leaders, it adopts that if one can discover individual by the right traits, one would be capable to discover leadership as well as individual by leadership prospective. Group approach In counterpoint to human leadership, a few companies have taken in troop leadership. In that position, much one-man caters management to a squad in general. A few companies have admitted the approach in desires of growing creativeness, cutting prices, or retrenchment. Behavioural approach Behavioural leadership isnt actually a character of leadership. Alternatively, its analyse for the forms of activities as well as behaviours which comprise what the company could address the leadership mode. LEADERSHIP STYLES o Authoritarian or autocratic The mode is utilized whilst leaders narrate their workforce what they require to do as well as how they need them achieved, without bringing the advice for their followers. o Participative or democratic The mode implies the leader admitting one or several workforce in the deciding procedure o Delegate or Free Reign Therein mode, the leader admits the workforce to build the determinations. (Hofstede, Geert, 1977) Situational approach Additional approach to leadership analyses is the situational approach, the primary preface of that is dissimilar positions require dissimilar cases of leadership. A position, among the circumstance, is an determined of measures as well as positions among which the people or troop has to consider in a procedure of activeness as well as with reference to which the action is designed as well as its consequences apprized. Transformational approach Transformational leadership is specified as the leadership approach which efforts alter in people as well as social structure. In its perfect anatomy, it produces worthful as well as favourable alteration in the followers by the last objective for growing followers into leaders. Inspirational approach The power to urge individuals to accomplish large altitudes of execution as well as winner is an attainment that leadership require. Passion, intention, hearing as well as significance assist attain a leader inspirational. (Kendra Cherry) CHANGE MANAGEMENT Change management is an integrated approach path for changing or transitioning people, squads, as well as companies as of a present province to a desirable prospective province. Its an organisational procedure aspired at authorizing workforce to consent as well as adopt alterations in their present organization surroundings. (Hiatt, Jeff, 2010) FACTORS TRIGGERING CHANGE IN AN ORGANIZATION All business carries out points of shift which could drive strain along with uncertainness. To be productive, companies have to adopt a lot of characters of alteration. The extrinsic surroundings are impacted by governmental, societal, and technical, along with economical stimulations exterior of the company which drive alterations. The interior surroundings are impacted by the companys management strategies as well as modes, systems of rules, as well as processes, and workforce postures. (Cliffnotes) APPROACHES TO CHANGE MANAGEMENT Kurt Lewins approach The framework is constituted in a common schemes possibility, a lot of specifically, its referred by the drives that hold down equal schemes or those which breach it down. Socio technical approach It distinguished quasi- independent work on troop as the initiation of some company as well as besides it has greater suitable to the requirements of organization it was little thoughtful to the basic requires of the workforce such as job gratification. Lean production approach Its supported the precepts for zero faults; zero stocks as well as zero languish, by the consolidation of every system of rules. Total Quality Management approach Its accompanying lean output. Alike lean output, TQM employs to the all functional strategy by full incorporated work squads as well as centres on calibre as well as consumer demands. (Stroh, U M, 2005) BRITISH AIRWAYS In the year 1981, British Airways brought out panel afresh chairman. Whilst the chairman commenced, he observed that the organization was really ineffective as well as was ravaging a lot worthful resources. To build the company more advantageous, this chairman determined to reconstitute the whole business. He accomplished that the greatest method to do was by change methodological analysis management program. Consistently, the company set out contracting their employees. However, earlier they acted this, by his change direction leadership, the chairperson devoted the organization the causes for the reconstituting as well as privatisation of the organization in decree to develop them for the forthcoming alteration. Therefore, by leadership as well as communicating, he guided his organization by a hard time which can had unfortunate without competent change management opposition communicating. (Mistyfaucheux, 2009) CONCLUSION Effective corporate governance structures promote organizations to produce esteem along with put up accountability as well as command systems of rules in proportion to on the dangers involved with. Effective corporate governance structures promote organizations to produce esteem along with put up accountability as well as command systems of rules in proportion to on the dangers involved with. (James McRitche, 1995)
The True Dangers of the H5N1 Virus :: Bird Flu Avian Influenza Pandemic
The True Dangers of the Feared Pandemic Abstract The H5N1 strain of the avian flu is a virus. It has the potential to be very dangerous especially through its ways of transmission. The statistics of the current deaths and possible deaths also show the possible pandemic arising in the near future. However, this topic must be put into perspective and the common belief that it will eradicate our world is rather exaggerated. There is actually a higher chance that the avian flu will not become a deadly killer. Still, there are many possibilities and no one can be completely sure of the outcome. The H5N1 Virus Avian flu is probably one of the most feared possible outbreaks. The H5N1 strain is the particular strain in question. If this strain mutates, allowing for easy human to human transmission, there is an immense chance for a worldwide pandemic. This pandemic could leave the Earth barren with the possible eradication of humans unless there is a gene that allows a small percent of humans to be resistant (Siegel 33). The H5N1 virus has been the most feared virus because of its likelihood to mutate. The structure of the H5N1 virus is the main reason of its possible mutation. The envelope of the H5N1 virus is comprised of three proteins. Two of them are the hemagglutinin (H) and the neuraminidase (N). The hemagglutinin is the layer used to penetrate the host cell. It has receptors that bind to cells, allowing it to open and infiltrate the host cells. The receptors are very specific to the receptors on the cells to which it binds. This is the reason that viruses with H5N1 Dangers 2 the H5 subtype have not been able to transmit from human to human very easily. Birds have been its main target and up to this point, have been affected to most. The neuraminidase serves as a mechanism used to cut the virus free from the mucus and other inhibiting factors of the immune system, allowing the virus to move about freely in the body (Tambyah, Leung 16). Because this virus very rarely infects humans, the resistance it will face in the human immune system is predicted to be minimal. The virulence of H5N1 in its ability to multiply rapidly, making it more likely for the virus to mutate by chance. The greatest fear is that the virus will mutate in a way that permits it to gain airborne transmission, allowing it to spread rapidly from human to human.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Elements of Darkness in Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness Essay exam
Elements of Darkness in Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness      In both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness certain elements of darkness attempt to show how deep one must look inside themselves to discover the truth. Conrad portrays the idea of the darkness of the human heart through things such as the interior of the jungle and it's immensity, the Inner Station, and Kurtz's own twisted deeds. Coppola's heart of darkness is represented by the madness of the Vietnam War and how even to look for a purpose in it all; is itself quite mad.     It was no accident that a documentary was made on Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film, "Apocalypse Now" entitled "Hearts of Darkness- A Filmmaker's Apocalypse" since the production of the film was something of a horrific journey for those involved. Throughout the production, the cast and crew were plagued by some serious problems. A typhoon that nearly destroyed the set, budget problems, suicide threats from Coppola, and Martin Sheen having a heart attack were just a few things that were faced during the filming. The descent into madness that went along with making "Apocalypse Now" mirrored the film's own themes and also reflected the themes of "Heart of Darkness", the Conrad novella that the film is based on. The theme of a journey into human darkness is something shared by both the film and the book but each tells the story in a different and unique way.     The basic plots of "Apocalypse Now" and "Heart of Darkness" are very similar. Both films have a main character that makes a journey down a long and winding river to find a man name Kurtz. In the film the protagonist is a Special Forces captain named Willard, in the book he is called Marlow. The film seems to have a more dir... ... Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse [Film]. Showtime/ Paramount. Chatman, Seymour. "Two and a Half Versions of Heart of Darkness." Conrad on Film. Ed. Gene M. Moore. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton, 1988. Coppola, Francis Ford (Director, Co-author). 1979. Apocalypse Now [Film]. American Zoetrope/ United Artists. Ruthven, K. K. 'Elements of Darkness: Conrad and Lawrence,' Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1968), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox. Virtanen, Panu S. (1997). Apocalypse Now Tribute Page. Retrieved July 2nd, 1997 from the World Wide Web: Wilmington, Mike. "Worth the Wait: Apocalypse Now." Heart of Darkness, Norton Critical Edition. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1988.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Algae is the Bio Fuel of the Future Essays -- Biofuel Fuel Energy Powe
Algae: Bio Fuel of the Future Bio Fuels are clearly the most suitable alternative energy of the future as oil and coal are both rapidly vanishing and increasingly out of interest for nations wishing to avoid terrorist nations. Recently, algae has been discovered as an extremely suitable bio fuel because of its surprisingly high ratio of yield to area required for growth. In 1960 Oswald and Golweke proposed the use of large†scale ponds for cultivating algae on wastewater nutrients and anaerobically fermenting the biomass into methane fuel. Algae, like all bio fuels, harvests the energy from water and sunlight to produce oil which can be converted into biodiesel as well as the carbohydrate content to be fermented into ethanol (Benemann, Olst, et al. 1). The concept of using vegetal oil as an engine fuel likely dates back to when Rudolf Diesel (1858†1913) developed the first engine to run on peanut oil, as he demonstrated at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 (Biodiesel 1). Using algae, however, is only a very recent concept as the first algae biodiesel plant only opened this year on April 1, 2008. The company, PetroSun, is expected to produce ≈4.4 million gallons of algal oil and 110 million lbs of biomass per year in their 1,000 acres. Fuel will not be produced immediately, but they will be building or acquiring ethanol and biodie sel production plants in the near future (Cornell 1). With the ever†rising prices of fossil fuels and the realization that our supply is severely limited, the need for an alternative energy source is rising steadily. Clearly the most efficient of the alternative options lies in bio fuels because they are naturally grown and thus have an unlimited supply, have virtually zero emissions, and can be us... ...n, Olst, et al. â€Å"The Controlled Eutrophication Process: Using Microalgae for CO2 Utilization & Agricultural Fertilizer Recycling†. June 2004. Accessed July 28, 2008. â€Å"Biodiesel†. Accessed July 27, 2008 Briggs, Michael. UNH Biodiesel Group. â€Å"Wide scale Biodiesel Production from Algae†. August 2004. Accessed July 28, 2008 Cornell, Clayton B. March 29, 2008. â€Å"First Algae Biodiesel Plant Goes Online: April 1st 2008†. Accessed July 28, 2008 Haag, Amanda Leigh. March 29, 2007. â€Å"Pond†Powered Bio fuels: Turning Algae into America’s New Energy†. Accessed July 22, 2008. Algae is the Bio Fuel of the Future Essays -- Biofuel Fuel Energy Powe Algae: Bio Fuel of the Future Bio Fuels are clearly the most suitable alternative energy of the future as oil and coal are both rapidly vanishing and increasingly out of interest for nations wishing to avoid terrorist nations. Recently, algae has been discovered as an extremely suitable bio fuel because of its surprisingly high ratio of yield to area required for growth. In 1960 Oswald and Golweke proposed the use of large†scale ponds for cultivating algae on wastewater nutrients and anaerobically fermenting the biomass into methane fuel. Algae, like all bio fuels, harvests the energy from water and sunlight to produce oil which can be converted into biodiesel as well as the carbohydrate content to be fermented into ethanol (Benemann, Olst, et al. 1). The concept of using vegetal oil as an engine fuel likely dates back to when Rudolf Diesel (1858†1913) developed the first engine to run on peanut oil, as he demonstrated at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 (Biodiesel 1). Using algae, however, is only a very recent concept as the first algae biodiesel plant only opened this year on April 1, 2008. The company, PetroSun, is expected to produce ≈4.4 million gallons of algal oil and 110 million lbs of biomass per year in their 1,000 acres. Fuel will not be produced immediately, but they will be building or acquiring ethanol and biodie sel production plants in the near future (Cornell 1). With the ever†rising prices of fossil fuels and the realization that our supply is severely limited, the need for an alternative energy source is rising steadily. Clearly the most efficient of the alternative options lies in bio fuels because they are naturally grown and thus have an unlimited supply, have virtually zero emissions, and can be us... ...n, Olst, et al. â€Å"The Controlled Eutrophication Process: Using Microalgae for CO2 Utilization & Agricultural Fertilizer Recycling†. June 2004. Accessed July 28, 2008. â€Å"Biodiesel†. Accessed July 27, 2008 Briggs, Michael. UNH Biodiesel Group. â€Å"Wide scale Biodiesel Production from Algae†. August 2004. Accessed July 28, 2008 Cornell, Clayton B. March 29, 2008. â€Å"First Algae Biodiesel Plant Goes Online: April 1st 2008†. Accessed July 28, 2008 Haag, Amanda Leigh. March 29, 2007. â€Å"Pond†Powered Bio fuels: Turning Algae into America’s New Energy†. Accessed July 22, 2008.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Protecting staff through legislation Essay
Understand how equal pay and minimum wage laws affect business Understand the laws against discrimination at work and during recruitment Understand employment rights of workers Understand health and safety laws A minority of small businesses will treat staff unfairly; to protect them is the legislation Act. Equal Pay Act – Created in 1970 the equal pay act means a person of a different sex cannot be paid less simply because they are a girl/boy. An example of this is football; premiership football players get paid well over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500,000 yet the players on the girl’s team only get paid a fraction of it. If the owner of a company is doing this he/she would be breaking the laws. Minimum Wage Act – Only enforced 11 years ago, the minimum wage act was made as many companies were taking advantage of people needing jobs and paying them a tiny amount of money. Discrimination Legislation – First introduced in 1976 and then again in 1996 the discrimination act prevents candidates skin colours, backgrounds, religions or even disabilities to be a factor in the owner deciding weather he/she gets the job. Employment Rights – To give employees the right to take sick pay, maternity/paternity leave and holidays. Health And Safety Acts – The right to be safe in the working environment. If this was not a law then if someone is injured for example because someone forgot to wipe water off a keyboard after spilling water onto it and it giving the employee an electric shock then the company could get away with it and blame the employee. Legislation acts are laws enforced by the government. Without them there would be complete kayos. Companies would immediately cut costs and thousands of people would suffer. For example if a company could get a hold of a person to do something for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1 an hour when they are currently paying à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6 an hour they would happily take the other person onboard.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Go To Meeting
Given the situation and assuming that the use of the supervisor’s login credentials to host the GoToMeeting violates the GoToMeeting license, still the employer is not liable or did not commit an offense under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. In this case, the employee was given a log-in credentials which WebEx issued to the supervisor. There was an express instruction to use the credentials from the company-issued desktop computer.The employee is under obligation to follow or obey the order of his superior, the company’s supervisor. Accordingly, the order or instruction of the supervisor was that anyone in the company can use the login credentials for that web application. This was the express instructions by the supervisor to the employee, to use the credentials from the company-issued desktop computer.In this case, the files were already in the computer of the company whereas in the Therapeutic Research Faculty case there was an express prohibition or limitation to access the site to obtain the information from any protected computer because defendant NBTY chose the first type of subscription that is for annual single user that limits access to one and only one person either accessing information for personal use or for the benefit of an individual patient or as part of an educational exercise.The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is not applicable in this situation because the Act deals with the intentional felony, that is by knowingly and intentionally committing the offense and causing damage to the conduct that involves an interstate or foreign communication. Nothing is mentioned in this case.Primarily, the concern of the Statute is more on the protection of the employee against the employer who will make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation or policy, as well as the retaliation of an employer to the employee whenever the latter discloses information to the government or law enforcing agency if the employee has reasonable cause to believe th at the information discloses a violation of a state or federal law, rule or regulation.Therefore, the Illinois Whistleblower Statute has no application in this case. References: Therapeutic Research Faculty v. NBTY, Inc. , Rexall Sundown, Inc. , and LE NATURISTE J. M. B. Inc. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Retrieved from Cornell Law School. Web site: http:/www4. law. cornell. edu/uscode/html/uscode18 Illinois Whistleblower Statute. Retrieved from Illimois General Assembly. Web site: www. ilga. gov/legislation/billstatus. asp
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