Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Trigger Warnings - 908 Words
The topic of trigger warnings have been a hot topic amongst people. Trigger warnings are a warning or a statement that the following material or phrases could be harmful to the psyche of certain individuals about to experience the material. This spans across the average worker to professors at universities. This topic rose from about 2011 on the internet and has reached a high to where people are discussing their thoughts on the matter. Everyone has a stance on whether trigger warnings should be issued when discussing a potential topic that could cause distress for a student or anyone in a class. With the rise of mental health disorders being diagnosed in students, some seek professional help or a better diagnosis because of there helpfulness. Students have been at odds sometimes because of trigger warnings. The debate on whether or not to implicate them in a classroom setting is the main topic of the argument. I side with the argument that people should use trigger warning for an up coming topic. Students do go to college to learn and given that there stressors that go along with college, giving a trigger warning is not bad at all. This serves as a reminder that people do care about whatever situation that the student that is affected is going through. This gives the student anonymity and a environment that does not have to keep the student in isolation because of the traumatic event. While both sides make a good case for their argument, it does not hurt to show respect forShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay - Persuasive Rough Draft1555 Words  | 7 PagesDraft Essay In recent discussions of trigger warnings-â€Å"alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response†, is a controversial issue that has been whether trigger warnings at colleges/universities should be issued to students who wish to be alerted on unappealing subjects or to not have trigger warnings from being practiced in American Universities. On the other hand, some argue that trigger warnings are necessary to keep students from emotionalRead MoreAre We The Most Sensitive Generation Of All Time?1248 Words  | 5 Pagesthey can trigger the emotions of others Thus, trigger warnings were created to help provide students on campus a safe space to not be affected by society, but is that good for the students? Recently, an article called â€Å"The Coddling of the American Mind†by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt states, â€Å"Trigger warnings are alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a cou rse might cause a strong emotional response†(Lukianoff 1). In their article, they counter the idea of trigger warningRead MoreThe Use Of Trigger Warnings And Safe Spaces On College Campuses1655 Words  | 7 PagesThe purpose of my research is to explore and offer analysis of the controversy over the use of trigger warnings and safe spaces on college campuses, in order to understand when, where, and most importantly, regarding what subjects their use is appropriate. After my first semester in college, I was left with a new and exciting learning experience. I engaged in discussions on controversial topics and was exposed to various reading and media material which opened me up to new perspectives. In classroomsRead MoreTrigger Warnings And Academic Freedom735 Words  | 3 Pages1113-RKDU 25 Sept. 2017 And they wonder.. Trigger warnings lead to emotional immaturity and an oversensitive society. Trigger warnings leave an effect on students after they graduate college and prepare for a professional job. Trigger warnings also take away the education from each student by allowing rules and policies over protect them from sensitive material. Trigger warnings alert students when a sensitive subject will be taught in class. Trigger warnings allow rules and policies to overtake curriculumsRead MoreShould College Classrooms Be Applied?1119 Words  | 5 PagesTrigger warnings, these two words are more often than not, associated with the internet, or any type of online media, but lately it has been bustling its way into reality. To put more on your plate, specifically college life is where the spotlight is at, and the professors are not too short from the issue with these warnings. Professors should not include trigger warnings for potentially challenging material in their classes on the grounds that it will only keep students from preparing how to dealRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1568 Words  | 7 Pagesfight-or-flight response. When a trauma victim comes across a trigger, they have a neurological response that forces their body to react as if they were still experiencing their original traumatic event. In an attempt to help trauma victims cope with PTSD, trigger warnings are com monly put into place to warn them of any content in the media they are about to consume that may be triggering. Over time the meaning of the phrase â€Å"trigger warning†has shifted from the actual neurological response to havingRead MoreMy First Time Hearing About The People s Mind1642 Words  | 7 Pagesmicroaggressions, I thought it was a small issue around the United States. But to my surprise, I found that microaggressions were a worldwide issue. When I learned the full meaning of microaggressions it made think of all the things I’ve ever said that could go in that category. I thought to myself dang that was pretty messed of me to say. As I looked into them more I saw that there were a lot of elements that tie into microaggressions such as trigger warnings and political correctness. MicroaggressionsRead MoreThe Impact Of Trigger Warnings On University Campuses And Schools923 Words  | 4 Pages The Impact of Trigger Warnings on University Campuses and in Cu rriculum As students amass themselves into the hallowed halls of universities all over the country, two essays discuss how a modern phenomenon will impact their environment. Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt co-wrote the extensive The coddling of the American Mind, a cover story for the Atlantic September 2015 issue, while Aaron R. Hanlon wrote a response essay with the New Republic, The Trigger Warning Myth, shortly after. LukianoffRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of A Quick Lesson On What Trigger Warnings Always Do Essay1444 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Trigger Warnings Actually Do†is a persuasive piece written in response to the backlash that The University of Chicago received against implementing trigger warnings for their students. Likewise, Holmes sets up her argument in the hopes of persuading the general population the importance of creating safe zones and use trigger warnings for those who need them. In order to do this, Holmes uses a series of rhetorical devices throughout her ess ay to develop her argument for the use of trigger warningsRead MoreThe Controversy Over Trigger Warnings On Campus Essay1260 Words  | 6 Pagesexpressed their grievances about trigger warnings on campus. Both universities communicated to their students that they will not support trigger warnings since challenging curriculum and free thinking is needed for students to succeed in the classroom. Trigger warnings have constantly been in the center of media criticism. Because of this, some readers of this article might have preconceived beliefs about trigger warnings that may not be true. The controversy over trigger warnings is best understood as the
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